guess the amp

hehe, yeah, I guess my powerball is your JSX ;)

Yeah, we both have our arch-nemeses - though lekteri's PB tone in this thread destroys anything I've ever heard the JSX do IMO!

about the riff...
nah, it sucks, I wrote it one night when I was drunk and had to throw up like crazy....feel free to use it though, if you wanna do any shootouts with it I'd send you the DI ;)

Oh that Lasse - such a talented and generous fellow! :D
emg81 (metaltastic) 808 (9:00, 10:00, 12:00) JSX (6l6 powertubes!) mesa recto cab, sm57+beyer m160--api rme


pres: 4
master: 9.2
treb: 4
mid: 3
bass: 5.3

fx-loop: both maxed

LSD - Do you tend to drive your API pre into the red when you're recording guitar (and then pad the output of the API)?
after i reamped, I listened to yours again, Lasse... yours sounds really tinny and metallic to me... which isn't bad, just isn't my thing... and this amp does much more than I've seen represented by anyone on this board...

it's also very hard to tell if the tone is awesome at all unless it's in a mix...

anyway, i'm sure mine could use some better mic placement... but I don't think the tone is half bad for my first day of reamping...

Hmm, the mic is definitely too far from the dustcap (it's got that telltale cloudiness), and it's quite muffled, though that might be remedied by moving the mic closer to the center. Also, how come you chose the Blackout DI's? Cuz Lasse was using the ones with the EMG81
Hmm, the mic is definitely too far from the dustcap (it's got that telltale cloudiness), and it's quite muffled, though that might be remedied by moving the mic closer to the center. Also, how come you chose the Blackout DI's? Cuz Lasse was using the ones with the EMG81

I used the link you provided a few posts up... :) edit: I also just reamped the first two (a) cause I didn't realize which was which and didn't realize he said he did the (b) tracks...

and yeah, i need to fiddle with the mic position a bit, but i don't hate that tone... the closer to the dust cap i go the less i like the tone... the tone that Lasse posted was WAY to bright/brittle/metallic for my taste...

i like dem wolly/warmer tones...
Yeah, I agree Lasse's was too bright, but not as much as I think yours was too muffled; I like warm tones too (hence why I worship at the altar of Jens Bogren), but they've gotsta have that cut in the presence to work in a mix, nah'mean jigga? Of course, you know of my STRONG bias against the JSX, so I would nominate that any problem you're having going closer to the dustcap is coming from it, but I'm always open to being proven wrong! :D
Yeah, I agree Lasse's was too bright, but not as much as I think yours was too muffled; I like warm tones too (hence why I worship at the altar of Jens Bogren), but they've gotsta have that cut in the presence to work in a mix, nah'mean jigga? Of course, you know of my STRONG bias against the JSX, so I would nominate that any problem you're having going closer to the dustcap is coming from it, but I'm always open to being proven wrong! :D

Yeah... I totally get it. Only problem is, you can't really argue this tone's ability to cut through a mix if there is no mix... I'm totally up for you throwing together some drums and bass and I'll have another go at it...

Then again, while I like most people's tones on this forum, I wouldn't say that they represent my favorite tones... There are very few tones and I really dig and most of them are 5150/recto ... which, in room (the main reason on got the JSX in the first place) sound very close to that combo...

I definitely will post some samples of my new project once I get them all finished... the whole thing will have JSX all over it... but I know it will be hard, maybe even impossible, to sway the opinion of a mind that is already made up...

I do appreciate you posting the clips though... I digs the riffage. :kickass:

p.s. really like the tone on the Chimaira's Ressurection album...
Only problem is, you can't really argue this tone's ability to cut through a mix if there is no mix

Yeah, but I can usually tell just by hearing the guitar tone

but I know it will be hard, maybe even impossible, to sway the opinion of a mind that is already made up...

Well I did clearly mention that I was open to being proven wrong (the ":D" was at what I perceive as the unlikeliness of that happening, but we shall see). Anyway, thanks for the compliment on the riff, and looking forward to hearing your project! And I haven't heard "Resurrection," I'll check it out...
I can't get enough of this riff...

here's some more... closer to the dustcap...

some amp setting tweakage... lets see if you like the same one i do... if you like any of them...


anyone else can chime in as well... I have never reamped before today, so this is fun...

...the the reamp-bug bites, it bites hard...
Dude, turn up the gain! Those clips sound really undergained.

yeah, I'm still trying to figure out why I'm not getting the volume i need... I have the mbox2 cranked, track set to 100 left... going out of the left output... track is playing as loud as possible without going into the red... x-amp output is maxed...

the gain on the amp is dimed in those clips too... and on the ultra channel... sounds beefy as hell in the room, but I cannot check it on monitors until i get back upstairs... and it sucks going up and down 2 flights of stairs every time i record a track to check if there is enough gain... headphones don't help as they make the tracks sound awesome...

I'm kinda hoping to do some searching and see if anyone is reamping with an mbox2 and having similar problems...

geez... i don't even know. :erk: