"Guess the Riff" Game

I've already made the backing track for what I'm going to record, I AM ACTUALLY WORKING ON RECORDING for once. :cool:

I liek my balls, I don't want them chopped off.
I don't mind. If someone wants to upload something within 10mins before I get the chance to do something, then they can.
I use ezDrummer as a plugin in my sequencer cubase. I just exported the Midi drum track of the guitar pro file of that song, imported it as Midi into Cubase, and used the ezDrummer to play it. EzDrummer is not freeware, but you should find it, if you're smart enough ;)
ok thanks:) I don't think I'll buy it but I guess that means I could still create something on GP and just record it but its just I'm going to have a ''FAKE'' (shitty GP sound) drum sound but it can still work right?
You could, if you don't want to spend money or crack programs (or search for freeware stuff), mute all tracks in GP but the drums and export the file as WAV, so that you can use it as a playback.