guess what I got....

its perfect. the characters portraying each emotion do such a great job. its real hard to describe it. its too good not to have. the DVD is real nice, it explains the concept, and a sort of "Behind The Music" thing. the video for Day 11: Love is pretty cool, its a great song, but ... i dont know about videos for progmetal songs. i always thought that with progmetal u interpret it how you want to, and decide whats going on for yourself. but for a progmetal video, its great. also, i just wanna add that ... bwee-oop, bwee-oop. :cool:
...that "have a nice day" at the end was really the selling point for me. i just had to have it after hearing that. it really made my day.
I like the first instance of "Do you remember that time? Do you recall that day?". It hits it for me. I like that whole song though ("Day ten: Memories"). It actually makes me nostalgic.

In "Memories" it makes Me and Wife look as though they've known each other since childhood, but in "Love" it appears they met as adults at a club.

I like Akerfeldt the most on his small spot in "Love".
I got this album a week ago and have been listening to it alot, especially since I am waiting for Ayreons other albums to arrive at my home. This might just be the best cd I own and I like it alot. I think all of the songs are good, and all the singers give a lot of passion and feeling to the parts that they sing.

I like Day 7: Hope because I like the happy sounding music and I also like Arjen alot on this song. I also like Day 16: Loser because it is a cool song and Baker and Devin are really good on it. The singers that surprised me were Clayton, Graves, Findlay and Bovio, since I had never heard them before and I liked there singing. This Album will never grow old with me, I could listen to it all day!

I hope my other Ayreon CD's get here soon.