Guess what?

Captain Beard

No longer active
Sep 6, 2001
Thank you for your time, and might I recommend a listen of the song I am currently playing below. :)

Spank You, Kids.
DJ Capone
Yeah, Bodom is great. I will see them live for about 5th time at 27th of december. And propably I will be drunken... VERY drunken. :D

Last night I saw Ensiferum live. Nice folkish power metal with death metal influence. Try these songs: Hero in a Dream, Battlesong, Goblins' Dance. Don't mind about the cheese on song names, they rock like a moose.:loco:
HUHUHUHUHUH Derick, come lather my scrotum with YOUR TONGUE.

Nah, but I do like their earlier stuff.
This was before they came to America and were ruined by the mainstream culture and started covering Andrew W.K.
I too love the first three albums still. Hatecrew deathroll can suck my cock though, and the new stuff they are releasing is even worse, I have it if anyone wants to hear it, sounds like technical hardcore- GOD awful