When do you think this era of music will end?

I'm not really seeing what the problem is here. Is there angst that your (directed at everyone) "metal bands" aren't playing on music television? on the radio?

There's plenty of amazing bands out there, music is always expanding and improving and it is getting better all the time. At the same time there will always be bands who are in it for the money. We are a product of a capitalist civilization, it all goes hand in hand. The fact is that there is currently high quality music in the mainstream, with talented individuals and artists.. count your blessings! Pop(ular) music will always exist.

I can understand it from the aspect of simple music vs.. whatever, but the current state of our culture (or the eternal past and future as well?) is not based on the aspects of using our minds, of thinking! More people need to read books instead of watching TV......... when will the era of cliched TV dramas end?? I need to know! For that matter more people need to read quality literature instead of rehashed romance novels (though never having read one my claims of them being rehashed are a complete bluff) or Harry Potters.

Just as the emos are stuck in their scene, it is definitely true of the metalheads as well, in their "anti-scene". Get out and jive, turkeys! The immaculate conception of new amazing music is occuring every day!

Yours Truly,


*who just felt like he read the label of a bottle of Dr Bronner's magic soap*
lizard said:
Read RHCP Anthony Kiedis' autobiography if you're at all interested in the insanity of the music business, coping with hard core substance abuse, band tensions, etc, I give them all the credit in the world for persistence in the face of adversity, including the heroin death of Hillel Slovak, their original guitarist.

Yeah damn it. I'll admit, they did go "downhill" and trendy after Californication, but their old material is is well, I like it so. Bleh. I wonder what they would be like, if they were around at all, had Hillel not died and continued along in his direction...::ponders::
I wish to make love to you, Derick.

Also, Californication is PERFECT! I'm convinced Jesus himself walked in and said: "John, y'know - shut up, sit down, I'm tuning the guitar and setting the amps today" the sound is just that dreamy <3
JenniferGentle said:
Yeah damn it. I'll admit, they did go "downhill" and trendy after Californication, but their old material is is well, I like it so. Bleh. I wonder what they would be like, if they were around at all, had Hillel not died and continued along in his direction...::ponders::

hmmm...I think Frusciante's playing and singing add a whole dimension to the band, so...but I like the old stuff also.
derek said:
I wish to make love to you, Derick.


derek said:
Also, Californication is PERFECT! I'm convinced Jesus himself walked in and said: "John, y'know - shut up, sit down, I'm tuning the guitar and setting the amps today" the sound is just that dreamy <3

About said dreamy guitar tone!::::::::::

I cannot listen to these albums. Californication, Stadium Arcadium, I will also accept By the Way in this listing, alas I have not heard it , but it is is bookended with more of the same problem..

now onto the problem!

The music, it's just, so ..... so...... DREAMY.

dreamy guitar tone? YES. Frusciante is glorious.

dreamy music? YES, and this is where it fails!

Being gently lulled into slumber by music which asserts itself to be aggressive (throbbing funk aggression! they still have it in their heart) and this all comes out full stop on Stadium Arcadium where it is obvious they are trying to be YOUNG again, and they can not pull it off.

It happens to the best of 'em.

Nothing against the music, and they are seemingly great guys.. but I can't listen to them without literally falling asleep on the spot.

-It's an incredibly relaxing sleep though, I should admit, better than most nights.-
C'mon, thats a half assed reason not to listen to Californication! I don't enjoy their funker material, in all honesty, but (and maybe I'm just deluded) I fail to see how anyone can listen to the tone on songs like Scar Tissue and not just melt.
I melt into slumber, yes. Maybe it's Kiedis' vocals

Have you heard any of Frusciante's solo albums ? <3<3

the godly tone is better suited in that context.

edit: I mean, on his good albums (or album?)

another edit: I have nothing at all against soothing music, I just don't approve of falling fast into a restful slumber when I want to hear music and not a sleep aid

One more edit?? : At least what they do now is a step back up from One Hot Minute
I have and yes, he occasionally attains said tone. I am of the opinion that the sound on californication was a once in a life time moment of beauty, though.

I can't stand Kiedis.
Not really, no. I was once at a friends and she put it on, but I convinced her to watch Fear-Factor re-runs because I wanted to see this prissy girl choke on leeches.

How come?

He done the Satyricon too, right?
derek said:
Not really, no. I was once at a friends and she put it on, but I convinced her to watch Fear-Factor re-runs because I wanted to see this prissy girl choke on leeches.

How come?

He done the Satyricon too, right?

Just curious, we usually talk about books or music and not movies. Plus I just watched it last night (and was amazed).

lizard said:
Chromie and I had this debate a few weeks ago elsewhere. RHCP, not Fellini.

I love to sleep, but being able to take afternoon naps is a shortcoming I have. Thusly listening to these RHCP discs make for such memorable moments in my life!
Chromatose said:
Just as the emos are stuck in their scene, it is definitely true of the metalheads as well, in their "anti-scene". Get out and jive, turkeys! The immaculate conception of new amazing music is occuring every day!

Chromatose said:
Just curious, we usually talk about books or music and not movies. Plus I just watched it last night (and was amazed).

I'm gonna rent it tomorrow, providing I can get to blockbuster. (I called today, and they have it). I'm looking forward to it because I HUGELY enjoyed the Satyricon.

To be honest I'm not such an esoteric film fan, as I am with music or the written word, so while I DIG movies, I'm sorta uneducated on the more underground ones. It's something I lament because some films can impact you so damn much, and I seem to imagine the ones written by fellow (self-styled) aesthetes may be most kick-arse in the set the mind alight stakes.