When do you think this era of music will end?

All music rocks, I can enjoy totally anything. Of course I have my preferences and some music speaks to me more than others, but I'm comfortable enough to say some mainstream bands -while unchallenging- have some great songs.

I enjoy some coldplay records, fallout boy, blink182, angels and airwaves to but name a few. The vacancy of substance is not in the music but in the approach to them, for the most part.
derek said:
All music rocks, I can enjoy totally anything. Of course I have my preferences and some music speaks to me more than others, but I'm comfortable enough to say some mainstream bands -while unchallenging- have some great songs.

I enjoy some coldplay records, fallout boy, blink182, angels and airwaves to but name a few. The vacancy of substance is not in the music but in the approach to them, for the most part.

I don't really care for any other Coldplay album, but A Rush of Cold Blood to the Head totally kicks my ass.
retarded penguin said:
Music certainly reflects in a person's personality...in many. but you humans are stretching it to an extent of near-absurdity.

I think.

I am not entirely sure.

Actually, I am kind of sure.

Depends on what you are talking about. Emo is more of a dress code and attitude than it is a musical style.
Yup, it's by far their best. Chris Martin can be a bitch, and the band can seem pretty damn droll at times, BUT now and again they pull one out of their ass, and Chris fires it up with the most eloquent of song writing. I for one, am DAMN glad a band that successfully weaves imagery, real emotion and actual talent into a song is so damn popular.
derek said:
Yup, it's by far their best. Chris Martin can be a bitch, and the band can seem pretty damn droll at times, BUT now and again they pull one out of their ass, and Chris fires it up with the most eloquent of song writing. I for one, am DAMN glad a band that successfully weaves imagery, real emotion and actual talent into a song is so damn popular.

Couldn't have said it better myself...at all. Agreed. Their other albums are hit and miss, but A Rush... is consistent through and through. Proof that music can't be written off just because millions of people enjoy it.
Yup. It (sorta) allows one to have some faith in people again, insomuch as the entire world cannot be moronic, trend-following sheep with piss for brains, which I'd tend to think most of the time.
WELL, I am a fan. I like him because the comic vitriol he spits out generally coincide with my own world view, sure as hell have no interest in ripping him off though :)
:lol: It was just the attitude of being absolutely disgusted in the mediocrity of mankind, but at the same time, seeing our full potential. A philosophy that I usually agree with.
Though I do find it somehwat sad the state of music nowadays, I come to the realization that there's nothing we can do to change it. History repeats itself and this crappy pop music will forever be recycled. I just think whatever makes people happy is fine by me. Although it is sometimes hard not to judge people on their musical inclinations. ( All of my close friends listen to metal in some degree)

I kind of like the fact that metal is so underground, It just adds to the appeal.

But at the same time you've got these amazing tours like Gigantour that attract thousands of fans and expose those people to more different styles of metal.

I do see more people into metal in recent years. It seems like it happens in waves. It's starts to get more popular then it goes back underground and back again.
For me as well as other people who are completely immersed in the scene anyway, the rest of the world sometimes doesn't matter. hehe..