Guess who just got banned.

Stormrider1981 said:
I don't think he is, but I'm certain he has this type of primitive cunning many people of his type have.
:lol: yes, like hyenas

derek said:
I could not care less. LRD had an edge to him that was way beyond my personal boundaries of decency and I let a girl urinate on me in college.
This made me spew coffee :)

to be perfectly honest, I don't need to see anyone's crotch on a message board, including women. There are places on the interweb for that if you're so inclined. Opening up a thread and having some woman gaping at you like a garage is not necessary and I for one hope he's gone for good.
lizard said:
to be perfectly honest, I don't need to see anyone's crotch on a message board

Lord of Metal said:
I haven't been around loud, abnoxious, drunken, slutty chicks enough to make a very accurate judgment on how I feel about them, but more than likely, I'd punch one in the uterus.
slutty means higher chance for me getting laid.

i approve, as long as they're std-free. its the way to be.