Guess who just got banned.

Tee said:
I'll miss LRD.

and I remember a respected member of .. Seriously Off-Topic forum (LOLZ) who was goodlooking and seemed to be quite nice. then he posted a picture of his huge cock. I don't think he ever got banned (maybe just changed his nickname). anyways, those were the days of the rep thing, so I told him there what I had to say. I only remember that I didn't say something really nice.
then there was that lady who posted a pic of her almost not existant tits. hmm.... I don't think someone reported that.

ah, there are so many ppl around here that should get reported for their stupidity but unfortunately, they won't... :cry:


SOT was pretty cool for that sort of stuff


I almost miss the place and their hijinks, but there's no way I'm going over to their new board.
I haven't been around loud, abnoxious, drunken, slutty chicks enough to make a very accurate judgment on how I feel about them, but more than likely, I'd punch one in the uterus.
In my opinion, the most attractive ladies are those that have a natural beauty about them that leans a little on the side of cute, are nerdy enough that they have or would consider playing D&D, and are just goofy enough that it makes them even cuter.
question: Which situation is healthier?

having your heart broken by a complete psycho who wanted nothing more from you after you slept with him but having to see him every day (past)


never seeing someone who might actually have feelings for you (is just really good at pretending he doesn't need to get laid as badly as he does) but is probobly just trying to emotionally detattch himself from whatever relationship you had with him because he works 2 jobs full-time and you're leaving for college in 3 months (present)

there are the two most involved relationships i've had with men so far and, taking them at face-value, the past one was the worst and the present one started out as the best, but upon studying both of them, they're basically the same.
Maybe you analyse too much?

The 2nd one was obviously something that just sorta got sidetracked by life, it happens sometimes - it's definately better than some complete using son of a bitch.

Try not to worry. The burden of the intelligent is the endless need to think, try to ignore that sometimes and just take things as they come :)

Feel better.
damn near every friend i bitch to about this has accused me of being overly paranoid about the current thing. i guess it's just that whole thing of right place, wrong time.

just a couple of months after the crazy guy leaves, i meet this not-crazy guy through the job i got pretty much because of the crazy guy, and maybe 2 weeks after we start dating, he gets a new job, then a month later he gets another one because he's trying to get his own place and go back to school right before i'm going to Pittsburgh, so ... yeah.

... and every single post i'm made tonight has been me bitching about this relationship or how i don't care that my body is getting progressively more disgusting. score one for team Fat Emo Chick.
dreaming neon darkspot said:
damn near every friend i bitch to about this has accused me of being overly paranoid about the current thing. i guess it's just that whole thing of right place, wrong time.

just a couple of months after the crazy guy leaves, i meet this not-crazy guy through the job i got pretty much because of the crazy guy, and maybe 2 weeks after we start dating, he gets a new job, then a month later he gets another one because he's trying to get his own place and go back to school right before i'm going to Pittsburgh, so ... yeah.

... and every single post i'm made tonight has been me bitching about this relationship or how i don't care that my body is getting progressively more disgusting. score one for team Fat Emo Chick.

Fuck. Honestly, you're ace. Funny, interesting and you are cute...regardless of your self image. Choose to believe me or not, but don't wallow in self pity...thats totally senseless.
I'd love to post about my 3 to 5 years of failed pursuit and all the bullshit I had to put up with along the way, but it would be totally inappropriate and totally spiteful.
I'd post about my one relationship and some of the other mishaps along the way, but if I did that, I'd be sad, and I'm just starting something new, and it's far too innocent to have me sad. Nonetheless, overanalyzing, bitches, and bastards I know far too much about, first-hand or second-hand, and after a time, you begin to believe that everyone will be like that, but it's not true.