Guess who just got banned.

She already hates me, all of it fully deserved. Interesting fact is that my brother has been dating her best friend for quite some time. The family BBQ's in my parents extensive back gardens are always very awkward. Especially considering the "sweaty as nats chuff" catchphrase that spread around my home town like wildfire.
I'll miss LRD.

and I remember a respected member of .. Seriously Off-Topic forum (LOLZ) who was goodlooking and seemed to be quite nice. then he posted a picture of his huge cock. I don't think he ever got banned (maybe just changed his nickname). anyways, those were the days of the rep thing, so I told him there what I had to say. I only remember that I didn't say something really nice.
then there was that lady who posted a pic of her almost not existant tits. hmm.... I don't think someone reported that.

ah, there are so many ppl around here that should get reported for their stupidity but unfortunately, they won't... :cry:

oh, that's another one then. this one was blonde and had slutty ways of written communicating with guys. :err: something like "demon" or "angel" in her nickname.