Guess who just got banned.

Oh, he will find his way back through those damn dogs. Who's going to think to stop a dog? No one. He'll get right through the system.
Stormrider1981 said:
I don't think he is, but I'm certain he has this type of primitive cunning many people of his type have.

That's precisely what I'm saying! We must beware of dogs! Any one of them could be LRD!
So after glancing through this thread, let me get one thing straight...

Some of you actually believe that Banning LRD was wrong? Excuse me, but many of you whom have commented in such a way, have previously mentioned wanting him to go away.
i'm thinking the ratio of gory dead baby pic threads to LORD RED DRAGON TALKING ABOUT HOW HE WANTS BREAST IMPLANTS AND WRITES ABOUT LESBIANS GETTING RAMMED WITH STRAP-ONS AND 11 YEAR-OLDS WITH DD'S AND HOW HE'S GOING TO GET LAID are about 1:1000 ... and i'm also thinking that baby-eating isn't nearly as frequent an occurence as sex crimes, sexual harrassment, all other kinds of harrassment, so it isn't really like we're just being biased and picking and choosing what we want to condemn.
Chromatose said:
Plus, how many of these people chime in in the "post your boobs" threads, then whine when none are posted?

It's a double standard, for sure.

or when some random person ACTUALLY DOES.

EDIT - oh ok I saw the wiggles followup.

I could not care less. LRD had an edge to him that was way beyond my personal boundaries of decency and I let a girl urinate on me in college.
