Guess who just got banned.

All I can add is this, LRD was one of the reasons I went to steve's board and quit posting here. Now he is gone, and a couple of the other trolling idiot fuckers too, I will be here again. woot!
ok first off, eating babies and pictures of said infant consumption is fucking hilarious, and should be encouraged, not attacked! second, i dont really care that LRD was banned for something that the 'cool kids' probably couldve gotten away with. life isnt fair and the world is full of hypocrisy. dont be a shithead, and if you are and you get called on it, dont be a pussy and whine that so and so does this or that. too fuckin bad. nobody liked him so he got axed over some bullshit. oh well. im pretty sure everyone will sleep ok tonight.
ok first off, eating babies and pictures of said infant consumption is fucking hilarious, and should be encouraged, not attacked! second, i dont really care that LRD was banned for something that the 'cool kids' probably couldve gotten away with. life isnt fair and the world is full of hypocrisy. dont be a shithead, and if you are and you get called on it, dont be a pussy and whine that so and so does this or that. too fuckin bad. nobody liked him so he got axed over some bullshit. oh well. im pretty sure everyone will sleep ok tonight.
Will Bozarth said:
:lol: oh, that had to have been interesting.

:lol: Funny thing is (I'm being honest...and GROSS) I did not wash the sheets for near a month, I just slept at the other end of my HUGE bed.

I am ashamed now, yes.
derek said:
:lol: Funny thing is (I'm being honest...and GROSS) I did not wash the sheets for near a month, I just slept at the other end of my HUGE bed.

I am ashamed now, yes.

fuck dude, that's crossing the line.

derek said:
It was from a rather stupid time, yup.

She was hot though.

Then you shall be the only derick/derek. :(

touch[SIZE=-1]é!! [/SIZE]

also, urine is awesome, so keep up the good work.
I have her picture on my pc, actually. Although I remain slightly reluctant to post it, incase she finds out. I already started a rather popular phrase regarding her "special areas" and sweating.