Guess who

We have to love a stranger
Because they know the rules you and me,
My full commitment is what I'm thinking
From other men it is impossible
I want you to feel what
Understand the recommended

Never going to give up
Never gonna let you down
Desert and never going to run,
Never cry, going to
To say goodbye, we will
Never told a lie and will get hurt

Know each other a long time we
I hate to say that your heart is aching
Inside both know what's going on
We know the game I will play for us
If you ask me, how I feel
Blind people to tell you that is not

Never going to give up
Never gonna let you down
Desert and never going to run,
Never cry, going to
To say goodbye, we will
Never told a lie and will get hurt

Know each other a long time we
I hate to say that your heart is aching
Inside both know what's going on
We know the game I will play for us

I want you to feel what
Understand the recommended

Never going to give up
Never gonna let you down
Desert and never going to run,
Never cry, going to
To say goodbye, we will
Never told a lie and will get hurt

:Smug: Being an old fart, I know where you got this from. Thanks for making me dig up this shitty song from 1987! :erk:

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It's because I could say that, because this is the random result of a translator program on the internet, and because every single picture in this thread has shown me something I would imagine Jesus would like to say, the re-translated lyrics do in fact resemble a poem that Jesus would write (If Jesus were a poet, which he seems to be).

Thank you Jesus, you showed us how much love can really do :)
You didn't get my meaning. I mean it is through the cause and effect logic of the universe that this is able to happen, so naturally you could call that tidal force God, and his son (Jesus) the smaller diminished products of that tidal force.

Get it?
I think your brain grew into your skull upside-down.

Will you please answer a question for me, and not spin it into some other illogical rubbish that amounts to nothing? That's not my question by the way, this is:

Do you understand that you're the only one that has any idea what you're talking about?

A simple yes or no (PLEASE don't type any more than that) would really help to clear up a lot of things. I'm honestly trying to understand your thought processes here but if you can't tell, it's extremely difficult.
Yes. I would be a shitty teacher if I let everything make sense at once. That's just not fair, not letting you make your own conclusions. Kinda seems like a form of slavery the other way around, doesn't it? Everyone thinking the same, everyone pondering the same way...No, I'm glad I shine a light into darkness. Don't know where I'm going and don't care ;)
Well, like I said I didn't know what I was doing, I was just doing it. When your life is filled with the truth then you will truly understand that I am the conclusion to the puzzle, or at least what I am trying to teach is.