Guitar for a n00b!!11!1


Melody be Thy Name
Aug 27, 2004
Las Vegas
Sorry for the new type, but I figured it'd get attention. I honestly am a newbie guitar player and suck very much badly. I don't want to spend a ton on a new guitar but anything is better than my POS $150 have now. (That's right $150) Could you give me suggestions for a decent guitar for a low price? I appreciate the help.
I suggest that you check out some Ibanez, for something fairly decent, it won't cost you a fortune, also look at low end ESP LTDs, you can get a blemished LTD F-250 on for about $250. And if you are cool with buying used gear, go look on Ebay, and find somethin you like.
not very high.... after looking at ebay my budget just shrunk... i don't care about getting a used guitar... that means it has experience that I don't.
Thraxz said:
not very high.... after looking at ebay my budget just shrunk... i don't care about getting a used guitar... that means it has experience that I don't.
OK, let me see... a used guitar is good enough for Gary Moore (after he got famous), a parts guitar gotten for next to nothing and painted in the kitchen is good enough for Van Halen, but you gotta have a brand new sparklin' g33t4r and not a second hand one that would play and sound better at the price?

Your choice.
It plays like crap.... utter crap. The intonation is terrible.... the electronics are noisy as fuck (I'm serious this thing hisses like a AM station underneath a powerline when on the middle pick up) and its high gain play sounds similar to a cross between an ambulance and a screetching tire.

That's why I want something at least passable.
Thraxz said:
It plays like crap.... utter crap. The intonation is terrible.... the electronics are noisy as fuck (I'm serious this thing hisses like a AM station underneath a powerline when on the middle pick up) and its high gain play sounds similar to a cross between an ambulance and a screetching tire.

That's why I want something at least passable.
What OSAS meant to say is that gear doesn't matter much within reason. Yeah.

You're right, you do need a descent guitar.
What is the make/model of your current guitar?

You can turn even a crap guitar into something decent. Grab some new pickups off eBay - you can get two DiMarzios for $20 each if you hit the auctions right. And you can usually find good deals on Floyds as well. Find a reputable guitar tech who can set things up for you and you're set.

But, there's nothing like adding a few horses to the stable, that's for sure...
ABQShredHead said:
What is the make/model of your current guitar?

You'll laugh. I bought it just to decide whether or not I was cut out to play. Or even whether I WANTED to play or not.

It was from Wal-Mart... First Act (POS series)
well i have a samick explorer im trying to sell right now but its probably out of your budget at 400 (though it has emg pickups in it) but i would suggest for a low cost guitar that plays well to look at the jackson dx series, i have a dx10d that I bought to hot rod and it suprised me! (only needed new dimarzios and a floyd!-both i had spare of from a guitar build i had finished)
I agree with ther Kataypsy (sp?) guy. I am not the next best thing to Stevie Vai, but I am an advanced guitairist and I still proudly play a lower end Korean made Ibanez. I love it.
