Guitar FX Quest:


3 Initals Mixer
Dec 20, 2007
I'm recently thinking of getting back into building an easy to maintain small palete of effects.

Effects I'm after are: Delay(s), harmoniser, GOOD wah.

I'd prefer if it was a single unit, rack mounted or floor based, just for ease of storage at home! Pedals are cool too but might need to be rack mounted.

Potential units I've been recommened are: G-Major, M9/M13 or a Boss unit.
I'd be using it with a Marshall TSL or Laney GH.

So,... any suggestions or preferences amongst you guys?
I agree - looks great.. but seems a bit of an over-kill for what I need it to do?
The G-Major can't be used both before and after pre-amp simultaneously - So if you want the delay in the fx-loop, you can't have the wah before the preamp.

Wah in FX-loop doesn't sound very nice in my opinion, at least I haven't gotten it to sound good.

I think the G-System, on the other hand, can be wired both before and post-preamp... But it's expensive :(

But except for the wah-problem, I really like the reverb, chorus and other effects on the G-Major (i have version 2 with the metallic front plate).
Hmm - good point.
Seems that I may have to buy pedals to get it to be how I need it without dropping serious cash.

Afaik you can use the Digitech 1101 with 4 cable method, so you could use the wah before the preamp
and the other effects in the fx-loop of the amp, there are even tube screamer sims and stuff and the
amp sims are pretty cool imho.
Worth a try at least, you can even load impulses in there, so I would try to get a decent sound out of
it with the impulses, good chance that it's decent sounding and you could use that signal for the foh
and use your cabinet just for stage monitoring.
I'm honestly not bothered about amp-sims etc, but to have them would be handy at some point.

Thanks for the suggestion of the 1101 - I'll check it out now. I'm not fussed about complex cable routing either, btw. Just want to make sure that I can have things sounding as decent / proper as I can!