Guitar Hero 2 on PS2


Sep 14, 2006
Finally some decent songs in this game as opposed to the 1st one. I can't wait to try playing Mother and Sweet Child'O Mine, Just wish they'd make a power metal version. Playing Mirror,Mirror would be pure exctasy. For those unfamiliar this is a video game on the Playstation 2 that you can play with a standard controller or a guitar controller and basicalyl mash the 4 buttons as diffrent frets to make the sound of the song, it's not very accurate to a real guitar and is in essence a clone of the Dance Dance revolution games and is more about coordination then any musical talent, still it's fun on occasion. Here is the full track listing below.

"Guitar Hero II" track listing (sorted by difficulty level):

1. Opening Licks

MÖTLEY CRÜE - Shout at the Devil
DANZIG - Mother
CHEAP TRICK - Surrender
SPINAL TAP - Tonight I'm Gonna Rock You Tonight

2. Amp-Warmers

KISS - Strutter
NIRVANA - Heart-Shaped Box
POLICE - Message in a Bottle
VAN HALEN - You Really Got Me
KANSAS - Carry on Wayward Son

3. String-Snappers

FOO FIGHTERS - Monkey Wrench
IGGY POP AND THE STOOGES - Search and Destroy
PRETENDERS - Tattooed Love Boys

4. Thrash and Burn

WARRANT - Cherry Pie
BUTTHOLE SURFERS - Who Was in My Room Last Night
MATHEW SWEET - Girlfriend
ROLLING STONES - Can't You Hear Me Knockin'
GUNS N' ROSES - Sweet Child O' Mine

5. Return of the Shred

RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE - Killing in the Name Of
PRIMUS - John the Fisherman
SWORD - Freya
THIN LIZZY - Bad Reputation
AEROSMTIH - Last Child

6. Relentless Riffs

HEART - Crazy on You
STONE TEMPLE PILOTS - Tripping on a Hole in a Paper Heart
STRAY CATS - Rock This Town

7. Furious Fretwork

ANTHRAX - Madhouse
LIVING END - Carry Me Home
LAMB OF GOD - Laid to Rest
REVEREND HORTON HEAT - Psychobilly Freakout

8. Face-Melters

AVENGED SEVENFOLD - Beast and the Harlot
SUICIDAL TENDENCIES - Institutionalized
DICK DALE - Misirlou
MEGADETH - Hangar 18
I have a PS2, and an Xbox 360. I wish it would come out on the Xbox360 (a date hasn't been anounced), soon enough, because something seems wrong with my PS2.

One thing that bothered me is the categories. Is Rage against the machine of the sword... shredding?. And some of the 'Face melters' well I'll just have to wait and see how they do them. The Beast and the Harlot is not an easy song to play, but it isn't insane either (on an actual guitar). I'm glad that YYZ is on it :)
...i love this game!...when lek's son first brought it home, we would spend hours playing so much that when i tried to use the remote for the tv, i was pushing the buttons like i was still playing the game...
...'course i am still trying to master 'easy' like lek and travis think they are so cool because they are in medium and expert...:Smug:
Pellaz said:
What? No Dragonforce? For shaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaame. :lol:

lol.. Maybe we should count our blessings they aren't at that level of mainstreem yet. Besides, it would likely cause your console to catch fire and your fingers to go numb.
A friend of mine snagged a copy of the demo for Guitar Hero 2 with only 4 songs on it. Apparently it uses 3 note chords rather than just 2 note chords like the first. Should be interesting.

Well since they have to work with USA bands/songs, I'd rather not see Slipknot and Korn and all the other metalcore shite that gets churned out in mainstreem american music that is a poor excuse for metal in any form.

They have Danzig and Megadeth, probably couldn't afford to license anything from Metallica, Battery or Master of Puppets would be cool, but still having at least those two is better then nothing, and GNR and Motley Crue are cool too. Maybe if they added Pantera's Cowboys from Hell :) Still have fond memories of when Mercenary played it.. that was the shit!
High Speed Kurt said:
Cowboys from Hell is actually on the first game. It's in the "ridiculously hard" section.

I did not realize that, I'll have to dig up part 1 again sometime and see if I can unlock it.
I was playing Final Fight Streetwise for PS2 and typically don't care for the tunes and turn off the music, cause I find that it's basically hip hop crap most of the time. I thought I'd turned it off on this game, but farther into it I just happened to notice a familiar tune. When I realized that it was Opeth off of The Ghost Reveries playing I couldn't believe it. Does this mean that they've gone mainstream? Or have I been under a rock like usual and they went mainstream some time ago?

Metal finds its ways into cinema and video games. It fits those media well (the brutality of it all.. opeth brutal? anyhow.).
There were a lot of rumors that DF would be on it. I think there was a video of Herman Li playing it circulating that started it all. It's sad, I could have definitely seen something off Inhuman Rampage on the hardest setting....nuts.
nailz said:
BG was approached. BG declined because they were in the middle of ANATO.

Your joking right?? I don't think I've heard that one before. That just boggles the mind if it's true.
Entrerie said:
Your joking right?? I don't think I've heard that one before. That just boggles the mind if it's true.

Whether it's true or not I don't know, but from Wikipedia entry on Blind Guardian:

Hansi has been working on and off for 8 years on an orchestral project writing music about Lord of the Rings (negotiations failed to be included on the famous Lord of the Rings Trilogy movies as the soundtrack). The album will be released in 2008, and although it will not be a power metal album (meaning that there won't be any drums or electric guitars and bass), it will be published under the name of Blind Guardian because it matches the theme of the band's lyrics, as Hansi said.