Guitar Hero Katatonia songs

Ok that is annoying indeed but hey... Guitar Hero is just really good fun with friends...
I used to be close minded and biased about it as well since I'm a guitar player, but a friend forced me to try it, and hell, I was hooked right away.
Ok that is annoying indeed but hey... Guitar Hero is just really good fun with friends...
I used to be close minded and biased about it as well since I'm a guitar player, but a friend forced me to try it, and hell, I was hooked right away.

Hah, I was skeptical too before I tried it. It was before it exploded into a phenenom, I went to Best Buy and saw guitar hero 1 and decided to buy it on a whim. Walking through the store with a big fake plastic guitar case and my friend making fun of me the whole time was pretty funny. Then we got home and he shut the hell up quick. Instantantly hooked.
I have guitar hero two. I only play it with other people though and get bored if by myself.
Since i suck at guitar i have to say GH :rock:

it would be fabulous playing some Katatonia songs but what about playing on of those crazy solos from Jeff Loomis (Nevermore)? any one interested?
im getting 3 for christmas i hope, i like guitar hero, and i play bass, i think guitar heros fun, and its good to play with your friends, but its definatly not as satisfying as playing the actual song