Guitar or drums?


New Metal Member
Feb 17, 2008

I am considering buying myself a guitar or a drumkit.
I'm not sure what I should choose. I think both of them are cool.

I'm a relatively big (not fat) and strong person.

So what do you think? Is the fact that I'm big an advantage for drumming?

-Thanks for any answers
Coming from a drummer of 10 years I'd say pick the guitar. You can practise as much as you like at home, you won't be the first there setting up and the last packing away. You'll have to lug around a fucking massive pile of drums, cymbals and hardware with no help from the bassist and vocalist, you'll often be forced to play some shitty old 4 piece heap at smaller backline sharing gigs, it'll cost you thousands to get a good setup, for the price of 1 good ride cymbal you could easily buy a good guitar, it'll take serious dedication to get to a good standard, you'll fuck your ears up with tinnitus,
If I had the choice to start over again I'd pick the bass...........!
I second drums. To be a guitarist and have anyone care you have to be fucking amazing. Also, look at the classifieds in the musicians discussion - many bands looking for drummers (mine among them). Go with drums.

Guitar kicks ass, though.
Just play drums, you will be doing to world of music a favor. Plus a decent drummer has about 4 times the change of making it big as a good guitarist. But if its all fun you want, you should just try playing both and deciding which you would like to continue.
I love drums but its got a higher startup cost. Then once you're addicted you want bigger and better and more and gets real expensive. I started with a $300 5-piece starter kit about 9 years ago. Now I've got a 9 piece/9 cymbal (not to mention the spares)/Axis pedal monster.
So much $$ :(
But its all worth it!

BTW, size has nothing to do with drumming skills! Unless you wish to crush your drum shells, I guess
Well I have always wanted to play the drums since I was about 4-5. I played the concert snare in school but my parents never took me seriously so I never got a drum kit. I finally met my business partner a couple years ago when I was 29 and he was a drummer turned guitar god!!! We went in together and bought a nice pearl kit from a friend of a friend and he already had a couple guitars (mainly Jackson) He has been teaching me to play the kit and I love playing but its frustrating learning diff styles of play. I like hard rock like Nickelback and Winger to play along with. He likes more complicated styles like Iron Maiden and Rush. I have picked up the Bass guitar in our studio that we have built together and find it alot easier to pick along with music and figure out the notes by ear than the drums!!! U want a good work out and learn some difficult styles to play along with I say go ahead and get a drum kit and stay focused. If U want something easier to learn and alot easier to set up if U ever play gigs then I say get a acoustic guitar and play with some Tesla then graduate up to an electric and rock out with some Slaughter and Winger till U get comfortable enuff to follow some of the harder stuff. Good luck whichever U choose!!

ps why has noone ever named Steve Vai on there top 10-20 lists of guitar gods?? is he not metal? personally I cant think of a better melodic player that can jam with the best of em. (G3 with Satriana and Malmsteen) I like Petrucci but he stands there like hes asleep and reading a how to play guitar book while hes playing. and dont forget A Vandenburg.
Grammer (not optional):
and #s are not a replacement for letters unless your keyboard is actually missing those keys.