Programming Drums: "Realistic" Cymbals


New Metal Member
May 23, 2011
Columbus, Ohio
First of all, hello! Long time lurker, first time poster. ;D

I've been listening to Cloudkicker like it's my job for the past month or two. If you haven't heard of him, he's just one dude that writes, records, and produces all of his own music on the side of having a full time job. I'm not sure what software, hardware, or gear he uses... Though I'm fairly sure that he programs his drums.

That being said, he has the most realistic and believable cymbals that I have heard on any self-produced album. I'm not new to programming drums and have been using Superior Drummer for a long while (and just got myself Drumagog), but I have found no ITB solution that works for me to get the cymbals to sound anywhere as good as his. For a while, I've just been adding some punch by putting my final drum mix through a limiter, sometimes mixing a bit of BitCrusher to add some bite, etc... All have left me wanting something a bit more real.

I'd prefer to continue just programming my own drums because it's easier for me to crank out a song by myself at 2 in the morning and simply because I'm a bit stubborn, so... Getting someone to lay down real drum tracks isn't something I'm going to go for.

Any suggestions for some badass programmed cymbal solutions?