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bleed for me

Sep 9, 2001
Brooklyn, NY
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i'm thinking about getting a new guitar in a few months....what i'm looking for is an ax which is around $600-700(US dollars) has to have a tunomatic bridge (doesn't really matter whether it has a stopbar or string-thru-body), the pickup configuration has to be H/s/H or H/H...i don't want an ibanez because i already have what else is there? i've seen some nice jackson ones..and are esp or ltd any good?

thanks alot
yea, if i could get any guitar i would get a gothic les paul, i tried it out in the store and it is so damn nice...cost too much though

if i do good for my exams i might be able to get it

btw, what are some goood jackson models i should check out?
well the guitar selection here is considerably less the major music shop (called tom lee) the main guitars they carry are ibanez's...they also have gibsons, a few jacksons, godin, b.c rich, yamaha, parker, and a few more...they don't have esp or ltd! but i know another shop that has them but i'm not sure if they'll have newer models...

the made in US models are alot more...i saw this jackson that was made in japan and it costed 3900(hong kong dollars) but the exact same version except it was made in US cost 16, 000! :OMG:

the gothic les paul is guitar world it says that it costs 999 (us dollars) which is 7800 hong kong dollars
Originally posted by Hearse

I bet they wheren't exact same guitars... Like in mine, the wood and mics are different than in real USA made pro ... and that will bring atleast another US 1000$ to the price

well they looked exactly the same...they also sounded pretty much the same when i played them (using same amp and a metal zone) the only difference was that the action was maybe 1 or 2mm lower..then again i don't know much about guitars...well that;s the guitar i'm thinking about getting so far...
Originally posted by bleed for me
i'm thinking about getting a new guitar in a few months....what i'm looking for is an ax which is around $600-700(US dollars) has to have a tunomatic bridge (doesn't really matter whether it has a stopbar or string-thru-body), the pickup configuration has to be H/s/H or H/H...i don't want an ibanez because i already have what else is there? i've seen some nice jackson ones..and are esp or ltd any good?

thanks alot

Check out the DC127 in the guitar models portion of the site.
Which Gothic were you thinking of getting?
Two 'Gothic models I've been thinking of getting are
Gothic Explorer and the more known, "Flying V"
Originally posted by Sullen Jester
Which Gothic were you thinking of getting?
Two 'Gothic models I've been thinking of getting are
Gothic Explorer and the more known, "Flying V"

i'm want to get the les paul or explorer....i personally hate the gibson flying's to rounded and symetrical...
What kind of sound are you going for exactly?

Jackson guitars are typically maple necks with poplar bodies which give sort of a versatile yet indistinct sound to them. However, their stock pickups lack clarity. Ibanez are usually basswood bodies and maple necks, and have a similar sound to Jacksons and have equally bad stock pickups. Keep in mind with all of these Japanese guitars that: 1) 24 fret guitars cause the bridge pickup to be moved closer to the neck which often sacrifices warmth (midrange frequencies) 2) Floyd rose and other floating trems cause loss of sustain and typicall intonation problems, especially when detuning, and always there is the issue of going out of tune 3) If you have a floating trem, get a guitar with straigh string pull. Ibanez has this I believe, but Jackson does not.

Gibson Gothics are all mahogony I believe, which means they will excel in bassy rhythm crunching, but will lack definition in your lead sound.

Higher ends Gibson Les Pauls have mahogany necks and bodies with maple tops. This gives you a warm bassy sound but the maple brightens it up slightly to provide some punch to your leads. Gibson necks are quite thick though, and not for everyone.

PRS is basically a Gibson with better construction and a better neck, but its $1500 - $2000, so probable not realistic.

Fenders (at least the higher end ones) have maple necks and ash or alder bodies, which tend to give you that bright soaring lead sound like David Gilmour has. However, if you get 3 single coils basically your rhythm sound will blow in metal applications, but a h-s-s configuration isn't to bad.

The reason I recommend a Carvin is because you can select the woods and options you like. They have all of the afore mentioned wood choices plus many more.
2 years ago I got a Jackson DK3 in black it is a sweet guitar I bought it brand new at for $610 with free hard shell case $75 value and it was free shipping. I dont know if the guy that works there is still doing that but any way. Still to this day it is the guitar that I use. Last year I had the bridge humbucker replace with a Seymore Duncan TB-4 and now it is a lot better . But you can get on Ebay and buy and even better guitar brand new like a Randy Rhodes or a King V. Seeing how I all ready have the Jackson DK3 I am useing that for my soloing shreding guitar. But my next guitar is going to be more of a rhythem guitar like a Paul Reed Smith or a Gibson.