Guitar players! I need your advice!

Chairman Kaga

Jan 23, 2007
Los Angeles
I just got hired as a guitar teacher and I just want to know what easy metal songs I should teach my students? I'm looking for a lot of beginner metal songs and I know very well that you guys have a ton of metal knowledge!

I just got hired as a guitar teacher and I just want to know what easy metal songs I should teach my students? I'm looking for a lot of beginner metal songs and I know very well that you guys have a ton of metal knowledge!

if your a teacher, then that means your qualified to take care of this stuff of your own.
well id say structure your lessons first off. no one likes a disorganized teacher. start with some reading first maybe, move on to some theory, then say the last 10 min of the hour or whatever have THEM bring in material they want to learn.
Then you shouldn't need to make them learn songs? Btw, you shouldn't go with what YOU like, but what THEY like. Maybe they don't like Heavy Metal?
if you're starting to learn metal, they should definitely be one of the bands you start with it.

also, some Black Sabbath. but a lot of metallica is based on them so...yeah.
Start with stuff like Basic Sheet music reading, tabs for some exercises. Picking, left hand fingering, show them the VERY basics, then let them practise that shit for a while and yell at them if they get it wrong. For example my teacher would put a black dot on my left palm and told me if I couldn't see it, I was holding the thing wrong.

Random shit like that. Then progress to scales and what not...and use simple songs as examples so they see how scales are used in music. I Taught some bass and basic theory over the summer to support my drinking habit :p Also have some friends that teach at a music store.

you might want to see what kind of music they listen to before throwing metal at them. If they don't like it they wont practice it, and you are both just wasting time, its also your job to make the instrument stay exciting.
also i would suggest teaching them all the parts of the guitar and getting to know it. how to old it etc. etc. etc. and everything CB said. also something that is huge that people may not really care about in "metal" is strumming. definetly teach strumming patterns. theres 8 basic strumming patterns teach them that and make them know them inside and out. and tell them to practice with a metronome! even though its boring