guitar question.......


Nov 19, 2001
How long does it take to build callouses on your fingers so it doesn't hurt when you hold the strings down? My fingers are dying.

Also, all the chords I play sound horrible. I'm either horrendously out of tune or the chords are gay. I'll bet I'm out of tune. Which way do you turn the knob to make it sharper or flatter?

Sorry for the stupid questions.
it shouldnt take that long to get some nice callouse on your fingers. maybe about a month or so if you practice a couple hours a day.

and on tuning - it depends on how you put the strings on. usually its counterclockwise to make it sharper, clockwise making it flater.
On the tuning pegs...
...if the string goes around the right side of the peg into the head, turn it counter clockwise to make it sharper, clockwise to make it flatter.

...if the string goes around the left side into the head, turn it clockwise to sharpen, counterclockwise to make it flatter.

And there are no dumb questions. We all have to start somewhere. :D