I got a guitar!


Nov 19, 2001
It's an acoustic one. It sounds so sexy. Now I just gotta learn how to play it. I messed with it for an hour or so, I learned how to hold it and I know where the G string is, but that's it. My fingers hurt.

:D :D :D
Yeah, I bought one, and I went through two weeks of "learning the guitar" fever, and now it's collecting dust. I have dusted it off once in a while, but it spends more time decorating my bedroom than anything else :lol: :lol:
Originally posted by Morningrise
You will never be able to stop! :D
What kind is it? How much? Using any books to learn?

It's a Johnson. $107, for a whole pack including a gig bag, pitch pipe, peg winder, strap, and 5 picks. I got a begginers guitar book, but it keeps telling me how to read music, I KNOW how to read music.

I'll learn. I don't give up on things I really want.
...Ahhh... I remember those days of first learning guitar, almost 12 years ago I beleive. *sniff*
You always have more to learn Trapped!

Of course, that's the beauty of the instrument.. there is ALWAYS something more to learn.

It's also a plus that the guy who's gonna teach me is the guy whos ass I want.


Isn't it usually the GUY that wasn't the GIRL's ass....?? Or is there something you aren't telling us Jayde???
yeah, your lucky to have the help of free lessons online, it will definately speed up your progress. i wish i had this option when i first started, 16 fucking years ago! but i have to say, in a way i'm glad i had to tuff it out. it forced me to really train my ear because if i wanted to learn something, i had to pay a teacher to transcribe it for me. over the years of sitting in my bedroom trying to figure shit out on my own has done wonders for me musically. and i still don't know how to read standard sheet music! tablature is as close as i get. i do want to teach myself to read though for copywrite reasons to my material. im just so fucking lazy when it comes to shit like that! i'd rather just be jammin or writing. good luck and if you have any questions i would gladly help.
Originally posted by Jayde
It's also a plus that the guy who's gonna teach me is the guy whos ass I want.

:lol: :lol:

Hell yeah..! My guitar teacher is a sexy bitch Jayde...
His green eyes... his beautiful long hair... ~swoons~ :D lol

Keep at it Jayde.. soons us girls will dominate the metal scene... ALL SHALL BOW DOWN!! :heh: ;)

Yes JAyde, it may not be "cool" but I reccomend lessons. Get a solid foundation of scalar lines and theory, and chordal movement (esp. jazz) and you can play anything. I've found that most (not:not all) of those guys who got really good fast by teaching themselves finally reached a point past which they could not advance, and with practice and study I eventuall bested them. Many have said they wish they had taken lessons....then again, Mikael, among MANY other great guitarists, has never taken lessons, so who am I to say?
Lessons are very important... I am self taught but soon i am taking classical guitar lessons to get some theory and wird chord positions down... i spent 3 years trying to become a speed demon (Yngwie, George Bellas, Jason Becker) and never learned a damn thing about theory.. i kinda regret it, but my technique got pretty good on fast scalar runs and arps. Anyway yeah make sure you learn ever chord known to man :) and don't even think about leads for 2 years, that should give you a solid foundation. And yeah your fingers will hurt for the first month or so, but once the calluses form you will be able to play virtually forever! and hey if anyone ever wants to talk shop i'm all in for it :) I love gear!
Originally posted by Jayde
It's an acoustic one. It sounds so sexy. Now I just gotta learn how to play it. I messed with it for an hour or so, I learned how to hold it and I know where the G string is, but that's it. My fingers hurt.
:D :D :D

If you really knew where the G string was, something other than your hands would hurt;)
Keep at it Jayde.. soons us girls will dominate the metal scene... ALL SHALL BOW DOWN!!

Fuck yeah!

Isn't it usually the GUY that wasn't the GIRL's ass....?? Or is there something you aren't telling us Jayde???

I say everyone wants everyone elses ass. It just means I like him

And yes, I am going to get lessons at my music store.