Guitar setup.


Nov 9, 2005
New-Brunswick, Canada
I set up my guitar myself most of the time and I never have any trouble with it, but I set up my guitar today and something's all screwy with it.. My guitar has a floyd rose and I usually beat the fuck out of the whammy without any problems, but now whenever I pull the whammy upwards the guitar sounds horribly out of tune. I can push down on it all I want and nothing happens to the tuning but the moment I lift it the slightest bit the tuning goes sharp on all strings, and it goes back to normal once I push down on the whammy bar again. I need to know what is going on with my guitar, I can't seem to fix it. I can post a video of it'll help.
Mr. Fast, there are a number of different reasons for this. I'm assuming that when you yank up on the bar, everything is sharp or when you return the bar to "zero". When you push down on the bar, the tuning seems stable. It could be springs (binding or wear) or possibly that your knife edges are in need of filing. A lot depends on your trem angle as well...PM me off forum if you want any detailed info on how to fix this.

Get a tremol-no. Or just take it to a shop to get it setup by a proffessional.

Tremelno won't do shit to fix his problem. It's nothing more than an adjustable trem block, they ARE cool, and I may put one on one of my RGs. I have NEVER been satisfied with someone else doing my setups, which is why I spent a LONG time figuring out stuff for myself. I always ended up tweaking what they did, and other than replacing frets, or doing major woodwork, I take care of everything else in-house.


p.s. Mr Fast, I'll be throwing some links your way shortly......
I work in my dad's music shop, so I am learning all about set-ups and stuff so that I can do them for customers and stuff. One of my workmates did mine for me and it played beautifully... (It sounds like crap now, cos it hasn't had new strings in about a year...)

I would suggest the same as J-Dubya. Check if your strings are worn, or if the saddles in the bridge are too sharp, and that the tremelo is aligned properly so that zero is actually zero...
We had one guitar in the shop that was doing something similar to yours, and it turned out that the strings were really worn just above the locking nuts between them and the tuning knobs... I loosened the nut and one string snapped straight off as well as the others were very close...
If all else fails take it to a pro, but ask if you can watch him do it and he can give you pointers as he's doing it so you can do it yourself next time without whatever this problem is...
Hope this helps a bit man... if it doesn't, just ignore it and do whatever you feel is best...