Guitar soloing- scale help

as a following exercise take the following progression Cmaj Amin Fmaj Dmin Bdim Gmaj Emin Cmaj , and replace it with this one C Major 7, A-7 ♭13, F Maj7 ♯11, D-7 13, B-7♭5 ,G dom 7, Esus4 ♭9 , C major 7 added 13
The above information is the equivalent of many years of MUSIC schooling.all of music's complexity regarding melody harmony scales modes and chords are contained within it in that order (except for altered scales but the system would be the same), this does not include the rhythm unfortunately that will be another time. for the most efficient use of the material copy into a text file and save it, then simply print it out and write pout a universal guitar chart (a drwaing of the guitar neck with dots on the natural notes to envision all patterns)