Guitar tone shootout: 6505+ vs. Savage120 vs. Mixed


Nov 17, 2008
Munich, Germany
I need help choosing a guitar tone for my (ex)band's album.
The character of the Savage is pretty nice, but I somehow think that it's too cold and mechanical (didn't expect that, huh?).
My 6505+ tone isn't as good as it could be.. but somehow I fucking fail at recording the peavey, I'll never get tones like brianhood :waah: :lol:
I can't record on higher volumes than 1/10, though. :ill:

So, anyways I was wondering which tone you guys like best?

1.) ENGL Savage 120 only (100 L,75 L - 75 R,100 R)

2.) Peavey 6505+ only (100 L,75 L - 75 R,100 R)

3.) ENGL Savage (100 R,75 R) and Peavey 6505+ (100 L,75 L)

4.) ENGL Savage (100 L/100 R) and Peavey 6505+ (100 L,75 L - 100 R,75 R)

Oh and sorry to bother you with those Rose Of Sharyn DIs again.
I just can't play as tight as Jeff :lol:

Criticism welcome :)

PS: ENGL Pro Cab with V30s, Shure SM57 for the Savage, 57+MD421 for the 6505
Lol Killswitch Engage songs are usually a good reference anyway.

1) The savage tone is pretty brutal sounding, but I see what you mean by 'cold'.

2) The 6505+ sounds like it lacks some highs. Just kind of dull in general.

3) Pretty good tone.

4) The best tone in my opinion. It's up to you but I like this and the Savage the best.
They're both undergained IMO, but I'm liking the Savage by itself; the 6505 tracks are too boomy and scooped for me, so 3 sounds a bit imbalanced in terms of the stereo image, and 4 seems slightly phasey and dense; maybe try lowering/omitting the 421?
Thanks for your replies.
@Marcus: I was waiting for the undergained thing, I don't really know why it sounds as if I had too few gain because the Savages gain knob is at 15:00 / 3 p.m. :lol: 6505 is at 4 plus the Boost (Maxon OD-808). Normally I'm a too much gain guy. Whatever :D

I'll try miking the 6505 again tomorrow, more gain is also a good idea (even though it hums and there's a lot of feedback already, probably gonna buy this thing: )
I'm with both of you, the 6505 just doesn't sound good like this. Yea, I got severe stereo-image problems with clip 3, even though the left side (peavey) is at a lot lower volume it is completely owned by the savage.