Guitar Tuning correction in pro tools?


Apr 17, 2009
hey guys
i've just started recording the album for my black metal band i got the guitar for a full setup etc.
my point is that i always play chords(5 strings,6 strings even 7 strings at the same time)and sometimes you can understand a difference in the 2 guitars when played together.
i'm tuning after each take,or stop when i hear any difference and tune again.
basically im more busy with the tuning instead with the performance.
is there any good plugin/solution that can fix this?
i'm aiming for a GREAT production so tuning is extremely important.
thanks mate,yeah i tune all the time but it seems impossible to have all the 7 strings in tune.
anyone else?cheers
I think melodyne has something like this, where you can tune individual notes. Never tried it myself just saw it mentioned somewhere, might be worth a shot.
If your intonation is whack, try tuning TO the chords. That is to say, play each fret on each string of the chord and make that note in tune rather than the open string.
^^yep, that's what I do (not just when recording chords), when I am re-tuning between takes. If you think about it, tuning the actual notes that are being recorded has more sense than tuning open strings anyway.
hey guys thanks a lot for the replies!
i remember in cubase this effect "fine-tune" or something like that,that people use it for orchestras etc.
do you think that something like that will do the job?(of course tuning the guitar again and again continues)