guitar wireless system


Member of Dude Castle 69
Jun 26, 2007
Kiel, Germany
I always used cables on stage but since our second guitarist got a wireless system for his guitar I'm thinking of getting one, too.

What's your experience with wireless on stage and how much money should I spend to get a decent wireless system that wont let me down on stage?
can't find it in any german store :(


You can't use the Line 6 X2 in germany, it's illegal because of it's frequenzy - Line 6 may release a version for europe though.
To be honest, I always used a bottom-of-the-line Shure wireless. In 12 years it has never failed me.

Well, once, because it was hidden behind a box by a stagehand and couldnt receive the signal properly. Other than that - never had a problem. It's really simple.
can't find it in any german store :(


You can't use the Line 6 X2 in germany, it's illegal because of it's frequenzy - Line 6 may release a version for europe though.

Seriously? I thought if anything it'd be the opposite, cuz it's just digital info being transmitted, so it's not like it could cause interference (Spinal Tap-style :lol: )
Seriously? I thought if anything it'd be the opposite, cuz it's just digital info being transmitted, so it's not like it could cause interference (Spinal Tap-style :lol: )

yup, the X2 works somewhere in the GSM-frequenzy which is highly illegal in europe. you still COULD use it but if someone really hates you you could end up paying 1000 euro.

german laws are really strict about that stuff. it doesn't matter if the signal is digital or analog.
I'm using a cheap ass t.bone thingy from Thomann.... and it works like a charm. Compared it to some other systems (mainly Shure and Sennheiser) but neither were they sounding better nor had they noticeable distance advantages. couldn't be bothered to get something else really...
The Line 6 is not getting good reviews, short range....reported as 30' - line of sight. Nightly batt life and the receiver is claimed to be annoying. Its been well reputed for bass tho if you are not leaving the stage limits.
Samson makes good units on the whole if you find a decent rig. Some Nady are not bad - affordable.
any more opinions on some wireless units? I'm wanting to get one pretty soon and have no experience with wireless at all. It would be great to get a nice cheap one that worked, but the price difference goes from 150 to 400 so I have no clue if there is anything I should look for.
Fortunately, though, since I'm an active pickup user, I don't have to worry as much about tone sucking because the signal from the guitar is buffered and thus lower impedance, which pretty much rules out any of the X2 units for me (the horrible battery life sounds like it'd be extremely trying :Smug: ). Right now I'm leaning towards one of these guys (this, this, or this - they're all the same, except at different frequencies, how the fuck am I supposed to know which will be best? :mad: ) And my max budget is $300, so yeah, that's where I'm coming from.