Wireless system for guitar...


Giggity Geschmougen
Oct 31, 2007
Hey guys!

Well... i hate cables on stage and crossing with the other guys and so on,...you know what i mean. it's time for a Wireless System!... but i rly don't know which one to buy. I tried out those AKG and Samson systems which cost new around 200€ but they are rly bad. They have this his inside when you play...and when you stop a noisgete turns on "like there's no noise"...right!...

So... i wanna spend around 400€ for a wireless sistem that works rly good! Any suggestions which one to buy?

Tnx guys!
Tons of people on here have recommended the X2 Digital Wireless Plus system (now owned by Line 6), cuz despite the fact that it's digital, it's apparently the least tone-sucking. Still, I think I'd prefer a good analog wireless unit, especially if I'm gonna be plugging into a Line 6 HD147 (cuz that'd mean my signal would be going through an A/D/A conversion twice before hitting the cab :ill: ), so if anyone has any recommendations, I'd appreciate it!
Well... i would like a analog one too...so...which analog systems are cool... but i'll check out the X2 out! ;)
Hmzzz guess not everybody hates cables ;) I never thought wireless stuff was worth it, never had any cable troubles(including being irritating).
Still, I think I'd prefer a good analog wireless unit, especially if I'm gonna be plugging into a Line 6 HD147 (cuz that'd mean my signal would be going through an A/D/A conversion twice before hitting the cab :ill: )

I'd rather have an extra (truth with modification since digital data needs to be converted to analogue to be transmitted with RF) A/D/A than having russian broadcasts from the cold war leeking through :P