Guitar wiring question


Feb 20, 2005
Ok, so a wire popped off in the control cavity of my Ibanez, and I haven't the foggiest where it goes and why. There are 2x EMG 81's in it, one volume knob, and a 3-way blade switch. Pic:


So what I'm wondering is, where does the other end of the little green wire go? Notice on the top row of terminals, the right 2 are connected by a little jumper, and the second terminal from the right has the green wire connected, with the other end dangling loose. Now I've experimented, and I find when the switch is in the neck position and I touch the loose end to the terminal it's currently hovering over (2nd from the right, bottom row), it sounds less bassy and clearer. Inversely, when I'm in the bridge position and I touch it on the 2nd terminal from the left (top row), it seems to make the bridge position fuller. So basically, it all sounds fine with it loose, and umm, I don't understand how any of this works - HALP? :D
And the bottom far-right terminal is the bridge pickup, and the top far-left terminal is the neck pickup, btw. And there's currently nothing connected to the second terminal from the right, bottom row (it may look like that red wire is, but it's actually just passing underneath, it in fact connects the left two terminals on the bottom row)
Perfect, thanks dude! So to confirm I'm reading it right, I should solder the loose end of the green wire to the second terminal from the left, bottom row, right?
That's what I figure. It looks like that to me. Three way switches are a pain. My Tele knockoff has an unconventional one that took me two hours to figure out how to hook up right :goggly:
Yeah, that wiring diagram you posted is the first I've seen for a three-way blade switch, all the others are always those infuriating Gibson switches, but 3-way blades are my fave cuz they're much easier to engage with a quick flick IMO but you don't have to deal with the two totally useless (to me) positions of a 5-way. Thanks again dude, I soldered up and it seems to be good!