Guitar with cab off


Mar 14, 2012
I've started bypassing the cab in Amplitube to get that harsh, trebly old school BM tone, with great results (after some eq and tape saturation). We're going to be performing live, and I want to know - how would we recreate that cab-off effect live? The lead guitarist's amp is a Peavey Bandit 112 combo. I'm guessing there's no way to switch the cab part off, I'd assume the head and cab part are integrated. I've searched google and forums, and I can't find anything explaining how it works. As a last resort, he's got a Dragonfly BM Pedal, I'm sure we could tweak the "hate", "vengeance" and whatever else "kvlt" names they've used!

And how do a band in a recording studio record guitars with the cab off? Thinking particularly of BM albums like Under The Sign Of The Black Mark, A Blaze In The Northern Sky, Emperor's self-titled E.P. etc.
in the studio for your recording use an amp sim and dont use a speaker sim. live use a distortion pedal straight into the sound desk.
I'm not an expert in recording or mixing, but I don't think that's a very good idea. I think you would get a better sound (even if you want it to sound like crap) by experimenting with the settings on the amp itself and different distortion pedals.
just plug a metal zone straight into the board and get rid of the bass guitar!
Lol yeah a distortion pedal of some sort that has a filter so people watching don't die of too much treble.


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Heaviest guitar sound you will ever hear, seriously. I made a patch on my GSP1101 with the triple rectifier model boosted by a mt-2 and holy fucking shit its brutal, the mt-2 actually gives amps a dryer and tighter sound than tube screamers, which is probably why it works best with really gainy amps (like a triple rec and 6505)
Black metal guitars sounds horribly thin but they certainly do not suck as much as an amp sim without a cab. :eek: I think you've taken BM to the next level...:Smokedev:
FWIW - a lot of large artists are sending a 'dry' output signal from heads straight to the PA or wedges..

it's not as crazy as it sounds. the amp head output does have an emulation on top of it - but it's not as dodgy as a cab sim.