Very Old Mesa OS Cab, information? Logo?


Dec 26, 2009
I have two Mesa OS cabs, and they are very different.

Different logos, different vinyl coverings and the front grill on one is removeable! The one cab has a very low serial number, this is the one with the "flat" Mesa Engineering logo, different tolex and the front grill is velcro/removeable. Does anybody else have a cab like this? Didn't I see some guys cut the front grill cloth off for recording?




Any insite on this? Considering how many of us have Mesa OS can this cab be dated? I also searched and searched and never saw another "flat" mesa logo like this one.

Yes, I have this same thing going on with my cab - called Mesa to verify and they confirmed that the earliest Recto cabs (post metal grill) had nubex/Marshall style tolex, a removable grillcloth baffle (speaker baffle is glued-in, not screwed-in like the newer models), a flat logo, and pop-in casters.

I got some of the newer, track-lock casters from Mesa and put them on since pop-ins suck and break super easily, and actually like how my cabinet sounds better than the newer Recto cabinet that my other guitarist has. A bit more depth and not as shrill in the top end, most likely due to a combination of the speakers being older as well as the baffle being glued-in instead of screwed-in.
Yes, I have this same thing going on with my cab - called Mesa to verify and they confirmed that the earliest Recto cabs (post metal grill) had nubex/Marshall style tolex, a removable grillcloth baffle (speaker baffle is glued-in, not screwed-in like the newer models), a flat logo, and pop-in casters.

I got some of the newer, track-lock casters from Mesa and put them on since pop-ins suck and break super easily, and actually like how my cabinet sounds better than the newer Recto cabinet that my other guitarist has. A bit more depth and not as shrill in the top end, most likely due to a combination of the speakers being older as well as the baffle being glued-in instead of screwed-in.

Great information. Mine actually already has the 3 inch track-locks, I wonder if the original pop-in holes are underneath? What year does that put these? 91-92? My other OS cab is one of the later ones...maybe a comparison is due.
Great information. Mine actually already has the 3 inch track-locks, I wonder if the original pop-in holes are underneath? What year does that put these? 91-92? My other OS cab is one of the later ones...maybe a comparison is due.

Could be, but those holes won't affect the sound if they're covered by the track-locks. No idea on the year, they just said they were the earliest Recto cabs. They didn't have much official documentation on it, either - it was just what the guy on the phone told me he could recall about older cabinets.