
Gibson vodoo v? Hm...depends if it has those manly gibson The warrior is pretty badass, but it has a floyd rose, which for de-tuning sucks. Or the EX351, which is the hetfield model, right? Voodoo V, cuz it looks badass, and it's easy to play.
i've got the ex-351d...which sort of is the hetfield model given the diamond plating (which, btw, looks 100x better if you get it painted black). The pickups suck like any stock do but it's a nice guitar. It isn't the fastest thing on the earth though because well, it's a damn explorer. Jumbo frets, big neck, big guitar...I use it for low tuned melodic death mostly. But I like my guitars to fit styles as well.

the voodoo is probably nice, or maybe a gothic explorer or v if you wanted to go gibson. not really a huge difference between those and the exp though.

personally i'm not a big fan of warriors, but for thrash/black metal they work damn well. jackson's are fast if nothing else, drop the action low and just go to work on it. Plus they look cool, only thing that actually looks more evil is an ironbird...
I'm pro Jackson. Out of all the guitars I've played, that's the neck I like the best. Jacksons have very wide necks (especially compared to a Gibson V), with a flat fretboard radius; made for shredding.

One thing I dislike with some Jacksons, is the balance. The Rhoads for instance is a little bit neck heavy and the Kelly even more so. I've been told that the Warrior is much better balanced than both of those, but that is second hand information from me. Xenophobe can tell you more once he drops in here. =)

If I had the cash, I'd go for a USA made Jackson. That will get you top-notch quality for a reasonable price. So far though, I'm still sticking to my japanese built Rhoads with upgraded pickups. Most bang for the buck right there.

I like Gibsons too, but their necks are too narrow for my taste (closer string spacing) and often also with a too loggy back shape. One good thing about a Gibson V is that although they're kinda heavyweight, they balance very nicely. Sitting and playing them is an issue for some people, but it's easy once you figure out how to place the guitar.

You may want to consider what type of bridge you prefer. I don't think the Warriors come with fixed bridges, while the Gibson Vs are fixed bridge only. If you typically don't use tremolos, a Floyded guitar will be more hassle than it's worth, IMO.

I don't have any experience with the ESPs, but after what I've seen, I've kinda dismissed them as ugly and costing too much. =) That may be a bit unfair though. =)

If at all possible, try to test play all three models in a shop before you hand out the cash. That will give you a feel of which one suits you the best.

Creeping Death said:
Gibson vodoo v? Hm...depends if it has those manly gibson The warrior is pretty badass, but it has a floyd rose, which for de-tuning sucks.
I've got a Rhoads with a Floyd that I have tuned to C, and it doesn't give me any problems at all. Maybe it's cuz I use Zakk Wylde Boomers:p
it's not downtunings that a floyd sucks for, it's changing tunings; if it's something you do frequently. (and even then, it's not really that much of a hassle once you get used to it)
yabba said:
it's not downtunings that a floyd sucks for, it's changing tunings; if it's something you do frequently. (and even then, it's not really that much of a hassle once you get used to it)
Well, I keep the Rhoads in C, B, or D(Whatever I feel like tuning it to when I change strings), and a Platinum Series Warlock with a non-locking Tremolo that I use for Standard, or whatever I need that isn't covered by the Rhoads.
Go for the Jackson. Floyds aren't as bad as everyone makes out, buy a book on setting guitars up, play around and it'll be right as rain no problems at all... Change tunings/whatever, all you'll need to do is tweak it a little and it'll be fine.

Anyhow, for detuning, a golden rule is to go a set heavier for every step you tune down (say you use 9-46 in E standard tuning, dropping the entire guitar to D will require a 10-52 set for an even balance on the floyd approximately)
Don't buy a cheap Jackson! All they have bolt-on necks which are bitches to play if you like to play solos. The joint is such a big box.

My second guitar was Epiphone Flying V and it's really good to play. You can easily tune it down and it'll still be the same bad-ass axe you had.

EDIT: I'd go for the Voodoo, of course
Gibson Voodoo, hands down. And then get a cheap jackson and you have everything you need. The first guitar i ever got was a epiphone G-1300 (SG jr.), and i liked it, but then 4 years later i get my Jackson RX10D and liked it to because of the Neck and the FR. it all depends on what you want to do with the guitar. Do you want to Dive it into the depths of hell and back (Jackson). or do you want killer crunch rythyms for your lead player (Gibson), and that EX351 is the same as an explorer but maybe with slightly souped up Pick ups.

Just my two cents.
of the ones you listed,I am also thinking it's between the Gibson and the Jackson.

Pretty much-
Want a floyd? Get a Jackson
Want a fixed bridge? get the Gibson

I must be the ONLY Person who does not have balance problems with the Kelly. I can take my hands off of the guitar , walks across the house, and it NEVER nose dives.
Gibsons have thick necks so its hard to shread on em as well as you could with a jackson. but yeah that basically the idea.