Guitarists I have a question for you


New Metal Member
Nov 25, 2006
How do you all play the intro to Bed Of Razors?

I am currently alternate picking it, but it leads to some problems when playing the D and the C on the high D string (this is in standard tuning, one step down of course ;))

So, any suggestions besides doing two string sweeps? I want to keep a pretty tight pattern going.
not for me...cuz that's the initial way i learned it. so when i tried to learn even the easiest way (starting on the 7th fret), i liked the first way better...although i can see how there is more of a strain on the fingers, but i like playing shapes like that...i don't know, my fingers have weird preferences....
It's not the shapes for me, it's the pinky barring. I can do it on the high E and B but not really on the G and B. Bruce Bouillet from Racer X can play this lick that barres the top 3 strings with his pinky, it's fricken insane.

(On the Loose live, btw)
hmmm...i think all it takes is practice, your pinky will agree after a while.

on another note (and since this is another pointless thread) i took my guitar final today. i played Biosphere by in flames, and i brought in the cd to play along to. but guess what...i used my friend's amp...and i wasn't very happy with the tone (or maybe it was just my guitar) so in the middle of the song, i just stopped and said i can't play like this. it sounds horrible. hahaha, i feel like a retard for doing that, but my ears were just saying "no!"
What guitar do you actually have? It looks like a Pacifica.

I doubt I'll practise that BoR thing tbh, I have other things to worry about since I can already play it a different way.
oh of course, if you can already play it another way, why would you bother. guitar is an Ibanez IJX40 Large Image

it has a humbucker, and that's what i usually use when i play, but i think there's something horribly wrong with the tone at times. i'm hoping to get a Line 6 multi effects pedal for christmas, so maybe that'll help somewhat.
Ahh cool. It really looks like a Pacifica so maybe it's an Ibanez copy thing or something but if it is, then it's probably a pretty decent guitar. I played a Pacifica at school when they got one in and it played really well.

I'm not sure what that pedal will do for your tone, Line 6 products seem to sound a bit watery and thin but that's just from my personal experience with the huge Spider II things.
yeah my friend said pedals don't really help the tone. they're just used for modulation, so i guess i'll just have to wait till i buy my next guitar.

you played guitar in school? was it for the school band or something?
that was my amp she used and we all think it sounded good from the audience but she didnt like it.
dude, it really sounded bad to my ears...and the fact that my fingers were freezing didn't help. did you hear me mess up in the beginning? was horrible! looking back on it, i think the cd should have been louder.
no the sound of the cd and you were perfect. but did you see my legs shaking. i don tknow why i was soooo nervous
yeah my friend said pedals don't really help the tone. they're just used for modulation, so i guess i'll just have to wait till i buy my next guitar.

you played guitar in school? was it for the school band or something?

Pedal do help if you buy the right ones. It's just that when all you've got is cheap equipement, it doesn't really change the sound THAT much, only until you get a good amp. Obviously, you'll be able to notice a difference but it'd be exaggerated with a great combo amp or something.

Same thing with the guitar and also, it's about touch. After a few years, you'll realise that you'll be able to play the same thing but make it sound much better and you'll be able to make stuff sound good through anything.

Steve Vai would still sound like Steve Vai through your rig.
yeah, but you still played nearly perfect (i only heard one mistake). i had pulsation stuck in my head for the next few hours :)

haha, and i love how the three of us did songs from Bodom, Sinergy, and In Flames. that's just bad ass :heh:
edit: post jumped

Pedal do help if you buy the right ones. It's just that when all you've got is cheap equipement, it doesn't really change the sound THAT much, only until you get a good amp. Obviously, you'll be able to notice a difference but it'd be exaggerated with a great combo amp or something.

Same thing with the guitar and also, it's about touch. After a few years, you'll realise that you'll be able to play the same thing but make it sound much better and you'll be able to make stuff sound good through anything.

Steve Vai would still sound like Steve Vai through your rig.

:lol: i bet he would. and i'd tell him to give me a few lessons while he's at it. but yeah, i know for the most part all it takes is time and practice, i just hope to be reeeally good in another 6 months. and by then, i should have a nice xcobhcx...he has alexi's ESP! the exact yellow pinstriped one too.