
BodomiC said:
i hadnt played bodom for a couple of years now!!! before hcdr was realeased :D
anyway if your good at rythms and sucks at solos, fuck the solos, every young and ev1l guitarish fella wants to play solos, but mostly non of them can take good rythm and accompanios riffs :)

lets fuck the solos, theyre overrated!!!!

On your sig...

Don Ross is amazing...

Have you ever head of Michael Hedges? He was good friends with Ross, and even wrote some of his liner notes in his first album. The song "Michael Michael Michael is written about him too.

I like Hedges more, but they're both two of the best musicians ever.
winter_madness said:
ive been playing around 4 years s/t but now im gonna start playing some cob. im good at rythem but leads i lack of. i tried the intro to bed of razors which im getting there but need advice on warmups etc..
whats the easiest cob song to start of with?
ive been playing mostly punk rock which rythem is no problem for me and a few months now ive been playing mostly metal.
thanxs in advance

I have some good warm up techniques if you want some advice, however "each to his own" comes into play with this sort of thing; what is useful to me, may be bat shit for you! And vice versa.

With any especially advanced guitar loaded tracks, it is the one that you enjoy the most, the one that you feel a bond with and can relate to that will be the one your playing responds to the most.
Just enjoy it, listen to a few of your favourites, get your start and take it one step at a time.

Let me know, ok?
i can go into music stores and attract crowds of all ages so I guess im doing something right,

Yesterday I attracted 4 12 year old boys with my "skill" :D

EDIT: :lol: Sorry, I didn't want to sound like Michael Jackson or anything.... :lol:

I simplay started tapping with 1 finger and they were like 'booaah'
lol easiest bodom song i would say..leads are..uhh everytime i die..that is first bodom song i learned..dont give up!!
only bodom song i can play properly is bed of razors - i still cant get the sweeping in the first three bars of the solo though, i dunno what the fucks wrong with me!! i'd start with that, it's not too hard (apart from the motherfucking sweeps :rolleyes: )
haha....but u know that solo maybe isn't hard, but ist really good I say...really fits in the song. I wonder, maybe it was on the real Britney Spears demo, and they just cut it out. Britney: ''OMG solos are too tr00 for my style''