But legally speaking (or ethically), you shouldn't assume that you can just shoot whomever comes into your house in the middle of the night.
Legally speaking they shouldn't be in my house in the middle of the night.
But legally speaking (or ethically), you shouldn't assume that you can just shoot whomever comes into your house in the middle of the night.
Legally speaking they shouldn't be in my house in the middle of the night.
Irrelevant point. Someone breaking into your house doesn't automatically make it legal for you to kill them.
some anti-gun people like to pull that argument of whippin out the baseball bat but honestly, what are the chance that you can sneak up on him with out him hearing you... second to none. also, if the guy does have a gun and you're trying to wack him with a baseball bat, well, guess who wins that confrontation?Defending yourself immediately is the proper course. Now, maybe some people would be able to simply crack the guy over the head with a baseball bat.
I know of one case where a man who tried to rape a woman accused her of attempted murder because she shot him. Fortunately she got it appealed.
didnt a thief break into a guy's house and fall or something and break his leg/bone(s) and sue the owner of the house and won the case?gotta love it..
good posting dakryn.
If someone breaks into your house you should have every right to dispatch them.
didnt a thief break into a guy's house and fall or something and break his leg/bone(s) and sue the owner of the house and won the case?gotta love it..
if you saw a guy stealing your valuables, be it whatever, would you honestly just shoot before any other reaction?
no. but I should have the right if I wanted to.if you saw a guy stealing your valuables, be it whatever, would you honestly just shoot before any other reaction?
no.Don't you find that a little excessive?
If there's any risk of potential harm to your person, and you're unable to safely assess the risk (i.e. if you believe your attacker could have a firearm of his own) you should be allowed the right to fire. I don't see why defending yourself should be a crime. It's not a preemptive strike because the stranger has already trespassed upon your property.