Gun Control

i mean, let's think about this.
How many times have you been mugged and how much did you lose?
Compare this to the cost of the gun and you'll probably find that even if your plan to pull a gun on someone holding a knife doesn't result in at least one fatality you still come out the loser.
So you don't need it, you just want to carry it around.
How about you stop feeling insecure about how small your dick is and just fucking grow up, you retarded juvenile morons!?!?!
(not Ozz, these hypothetical morons)
I remember as a kid me and a friend who had the key to his dads weapon locker used to run around with his rifles when he wasn't home,if we could access weapons in a locker,it's pretty fucking stupid to have a gun in a drawer near the bed.
good post.
protection for my life and for my property.
because its damn fun to shoot.
right next to the bed, loaded and in the holster.

Nice, Nice. Some of my guns are (obviously) in my sig.

now all I need is a 12 guage shotgun ;)

and some hollowpoints.

12 Gauge is essential for safe home protection, as are hollow points. FMJs tend to go through the target, which if you live close to your neighbors, could be disastrous.

Sucks that you live Illinois dude.

Here in Vermont we can pretty much do whatever we want. You can buy any semi-auto and conceal it without a permit and walk into any building as long as it is not state owned.

I usually open carry as a .45 is hard to conceal, and I have only had a few problems where people called the cops. When they arrived, they did not swing the car sideways and tell me to get down. In fact they apologized for the inconvenience. People up here are generally intelligent and responsible; the crime rate is second lowest in the country, though I credit this more to "culture" than lack of gun control.

As a bonus the entire state is a national forest, and it is legal to carry any weapon in the forest and fire it so long as you have a good backstop and clean up your mess. I pretty much live in it so I can just go outside and fire away.
Indeed that is no doubt part of it as I said. Cram a bunch of people with no morals who hate each other in a city and yes, you will have crime.
Does he? I mean, let's think about this. Is theft or assault punishable by death?

How about this: citizens can't buy real bullets, only rubber bullets or even some even more lameass form that won't kill dudes but it'll remove their desire to take your wallet.

Real bullets won't kill someone if fired in the right place. Likewise, rubber bullets will kill someone if fired in the right place. But aside from that, I'd say that rubber bullets aren't a bad policy. Maybe people should be able to purchase real bullets, but if they're caught carrying real ones around in a firearm they can be penalized.

And yes, we have the right to shoot at people if they steal from us. Rubber bullets especially; shoot to stop, don't shoot to kill.

you missed the part where someone gets cut off and shoots someone. People walking around with power over life and death in their pocket is not a good situation, since in case you haven't noticed most people are impulsive, selfish, irrational morons.

I don't want every fucking person to have a gun. You seem to think that I endorse the policy of giving guns to all people. I said I believe that gun laws should in fact be restricted further, and tests/courses should still be given. I don't believe in giving a gun to just anybody. In the present situation, the likelihood of that situation above happening is very slim; and most people won't even have a fucking gun. And if I had my way, probably even fewer people would own one; but never because they don't have the right to.

Then fuck you. If you don't give a shit about public safety, just individual safety, then I'm not interested in your opinion on this because whatever it is I'm going to disagree with it completely.

Step back and take a breath. I'm assuming you've already read my post above. Now look at it from this perspective. I believe that handguns should remain legal and that the people who purchase them should be more than qualified to use one. I believe in regulation. What I don't believe in is total restriction of all handguns. I believe in some restrictions. I don't want every person to be able to purchase a gun, and I don't believe that every single person needs to have one. What I do believe is that people have the fucking right to own one. It's not my job to enforce public safety laws. I encourage people to handle their guns cautiously and wisely; but neither I nor the government has the right to ban handguns.

I could really care less if you don't want to listen to my opinion. But personally, I think you're being ridiculous.

Furthermore, you all act like Krig keeping a gun next to his bed is moronic. It looks to me as though he knows how to handle the fucking thing, and it sounds from his experience that he's cautious with it; but you all gang up on him because he endorses public ownership of handguns. I believe that he's probably one of the most qualified on this forum to handle a fucking gun. So maybe all the rest of you should shut the hell up.
It's actually not legal in some cases. A lot of lawyers jump on the opportunity to prosecute someone for shooting a thief. I don't agree with shooting to kill though. I agree with wounding/stopping. InFlames' rubber bullet argument would suffice here. I'm not really too knowledgable on how effective rubber bullets are, but I'm pretty sure they fucking hurt.