Guns and Roses


New Metal Member
Nov 17, 2010
Hi chaps this is Symphonic Life in case anybody is confused.

I just would like to know if you guys can tell me something about the band Guns and Roses that got me pretty confused. After 1993's "The Spaghetti Incident?" they haven't released anymore studio albums until 2008's Chinese Democracy. Well, why is that? What were they up to in these 15 years?

Thanks in advance to those who answer me :)
Pretty much all the band fell out with Axl and left. He continued the band on his own with a bunch of hired hands. The reason he took so long to get the album out is not one I know. The guy is a prize tool.
Pretty much all the band fell out with Axl and left. He continued the band on his own with a bunch of hired hands. The reason he took so long to get the album out is not one I know. The guy is a prize tool.
Yeah but I don't think you are really answering what I want to know. I tried to understand by reading on Wikipedia about it but I need somebody to explain to me in detail what exactly happened...and what they were doing for such a long time. It's undoubtedly the best hard rock band ever so it's pretty interesting me.
In my opinion....Guns N'Roses released one absolute classic album in "Appetite for Destruction".......nothing else they ever did even comes close to this album and nothing they did after the Use your Illusion pair of albums is even worth listening to.

I can't agree they are the best hard rock band ever though, purely for the above comments. So many better bands, I don't know where to start! lol!
In my opinion....Guns N'Roses released one absolute classic album in "Appetite for Destruction".......nothing else they ever did even comes close to this album and nothing they did after the Use your Illusion pair of albums is even worth listening to.

I can't agree they are the best hard rock band ever though, purely for the above comments. So many better bands, I don't know where to start! lol!
That album Appetite for Destruction was their debut man, and it sold like 25 million.....that's more sales than so many other bands, with only ONE album!

Wikipedia says they went on Hiatus from 1994 to 1998, then in 1999 there were lineup changes, then in 2001 preparation for a new album was scrapped....I guess they just didn't get along with each other.
I haven't got to hear those yet. Only heard their latest, CHinese Demorcy. but I've heard the "welcome to the jungle" song before and I must say it was great.
I am the world's biggest Guns N' Roses fan. I dare you to find someone who is a bigger fanboy. :lol:

Basically, Axl just screwed over everyone else in the band. Even in their early days he was a total diva, coming on late and nearly causing riots because of it. Some band members left after the UYI albums, some were fired, all mainly due to Axl being a tyrant and demanding ownership of the GnR name, even forcing the other guys to sign a contract that gave him ownership of it all. He also started working on an album that had a lot of synthesizers in it, and the other guys weren't too keen on it... so eventually Axl was left by himself. I believe the final straw for Slash was when Axl secretly hired another guitarist to rerecord Slash's parts and use those without even telling Slash.

So he basically spent all those years trying to create the 'perfect' album because he's a huge perfectionist. I have to say... I'm a massive fan of all of their albums, except The Spaghetti Incident and Lies, since those really are more B-side releases/cover albums than anything. Those ones still have classic songs, though. Appetite is amazing, Use Your Illusions I & II are even better (except for the alternate version of Don't Cry and My World... awful)... great albums.

I honestly believe Chinese Democracy is an amazing album, too. There are some incredible tunes on there - Prostitute's ending has one of the most beautiful moments in rock I've ever heard! Street of Dreams is wonderful as well. Axl's vocals are a bit... too much at times, just because of how pitch corrected and insanely high they are, but the guy can sing even better than he used to, as a bunch of YouTube videos from their 3-4 hour concerts a couple years ago prove. Chinese Democracy is just way different... I don't think it's fair to compare it to albums that were released almost 20 years before it. The lyrics aren't as great, but they're still good in their own way.

I really do think GnR has one of the most solid and timeless repertoires in rock, but that's just me. Estranged... one of my all-time favorite songs! That's my favorite song to play and sing at the piano, especially with the piano solo.

Anyway, I could go on forever about how much I like GnR, but I'll stop here as I've already rambled too much! :lol:
Interesting story/explanation there 1928, thanks. I really don't care if you're telling the truth or not, it was worth reading :)

But yeah when, you love something so tend to ramble a lot about it................naturally. Hehe :)
I told you the entire truth about what happened as well as my opinions on the music... no GnR Lies there! (see what I did? :lol:)
What you said does sound more like a personal reflection than facts....but as I said I don't really care if it's true, I mean it's not like you interviewed Slash and asked him about this. So, how can you really know? :lol:
What you said does sound more like a personal reflection than facts....but as I said I don't really care if it's true, I mean it's not like you interviewed Slash and asked him about this. So, how can you really know? :lol:
But many people have done over the years and he has shared the points which 1928 has stated. So he's given you a pretty accurate explanation of the situation you asked about. :)
Still man! I can't rely on what a single person said...I do believe that what he said is true though, if you're saying so :)
Dude, it's the facts! The only opinions I shared were about the music... not what happened to the band, those are solid truths! Why would you even ask what happened to the band if you aren't going to believe me? :lol:
Also I highly recommend picking up Slash's autobiography, called Slash. It's an awesome, entertaining read and tells you everything about GnR's history, as well as some awesome party stories, like when someone threw up in the stew while the oven was on, thus cooking the vomit all night.