Gutting out a 5150 cab for celestions....

Ok.....I'm recording in a week or so, and still can't find a good straight cab around here to record with (v30 and/or g12-75) at a cheap price.

But, i got a friend that has a 5150 Straight Cab he's selling for $150.

And maybe I could get a set of Celestion speakers off ebay for $200-300, and install them in that cab ?

That would save me an easy $400-600 dollars!!!:OMG:

....But do yall think that cab is a good enough cab to put celestions in ?

....and what combination of speakers would be recommended ? All v30's or v30's & G12-75 X pattern ?
I'd do it. I dig that cabinet (for live stuff, not recording) stock. I'd put in the X pattern.
A lot of cabs are made well (including the 5150 one), so long as you swap the speakers as you're suggesting. Go for it man!
so, do it like bogner ubers ?

2 v30's and 2 g12-75 in X pattern ?


What if I did 2 v30's and leave the 2 stock 5150 sheffields in an X pattern ?????
5150 cabs don't record well....Live it's too not bad........

so maybe I will take 2 speakers out and replace them with v30's in an X pattern.
I got one little problem.... v30's are now made in china.

Are they not as good as the old ones that are made in England ?

is so, should I get the eminence Governors ?

or what about the new Celestion Century Vintage speakers ?
it's a Vintage 30 but only 10 dollars more and 1/3 the weight!
go for vintage 30's. I had a long discussion with celestion about the "china" issue. They actually have brand new equipment and have sent their guys over there to train the chinese manufacturers. I was perfectly happy with the chinese ones they sent. v30's are still ok. Good deal !

But anyone tried the New Celestion Century Vintage ??

they have a better rating on Harmony-Central than the regular V30's......but I know that can mean nothing.
ApolloSpeed said:

What if I did 2 v30's and leave the 2 stock 5150 sheffields in an X pattern ?????

I'm in a similar situation; I've had a Peavey cab stocked with Sheffield 1200's for a few years, and today I found a 5150 used at a price I couldn't resist, and should probably put some better speakers in this thing. I'd rather not buy four V30's right now, and the X-Pattern sounds like a good idea... what's the consensus on this? Also, since I'll only be recording for the forseeable future, could I even just replace one, or is there some sort of electrical reason why that would be a horrible, horrible idea?
Nope; as long as you get the Ohm's matched up, and wire them all in phase, you're good to go! It's not uncommon for people to buy a 5150 combo and replace one of the speakers with a V30 for recording.
DSS3 said:
It's not uncommon for people to buy a 5150 combo and replace one of the speakers with a V30 for recording.

That's what I did, and I love the hell out of it. As I type this, I'm about to install a second V30 right now (since I disconnected the Sheffield once I heard how good the V30 sounded).
A while ago I replaced 2 of the speakers in my 5150 cab with v-30s. I installed them in X pattern with the originals. The cab sounds waaaay better now, and it's also much easier to record now. I could never get a good sound from the original speakers with a sm57...
nuclearass said:
A while ago I replaced 2 of the speakers in my 5150 cab with v-30s. I installed them in X pattern with the originals. The cab sounds waaaay better now, and it's also much easier to record now. I could never get a good sound from the original speakers with a sm57...

that's great....cause I just ordered the v30's and I will do exactly what you did!

So, good luck to me.
Just consider that the V30's are louder than most other speakers (higher sensitivity) and might wash out the sound of the two other ones