guys i am drunk


Feb 29, 2008
hello,it f

I am doing what Ive frequently regarded as stupid. often I have seen you mother fuckers gert drunk and then post stupid shit to this forum. i always thought to myself.. why do these dumb asses get drunk and then find their way to this forum? why are they \in the position to get drunk and even post on this forum? well, as it happens. i have found myself a victim of circumstance. tonight, this beautiful saturday evening .. i am alone. To celebrate this joyous occasion I have purchased myself some indian brown ale brewed by the good people of Indian Brown Ale. its good shit, belive me. I warmed up with one of those big ass bottles of home grown zywiec and am 5 bottles in of IPA. I am feeling good.

anyway, I figured I'd honestly truly share my honest feelings for children of bodom cause as we all know the truth comes out when we are drunk. Therefore, I must say ... I am thoroughly and 100 percent dissapointed. I find myself in agreement with resident forum expert Joonas. The band nowadays just aint doing it for me anymore. as i was growing and maturing as a man, I would rely on the atmospheric beauty of classic COB to soothe my soul and place me in a idfferent dimension. whatever burden life would throw on my shoulders, I could always follow the reaper into peace .. sincerity

since that time, i have listened to these classic songs probably a million times. each. as you would expect, the novelty hsa worn off. HOWEVER, the band should be rel\easling NEW AND CAPTIVATING MATERIAL RIGHT? WEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL, the answer to that question is ...


BUT, that doesnt mean that they have. im gonna be honest. hate crew deathroll is a good album. I love it to death.. I think bodom beach terror is my favorite song some days. it just doesn't have that COB tingly feeling. I think you all know what I'm talking about. When you listen to songs from FTR backwards there are parts that come on that are just like jesus christmas how the fuck could someone write such an elegant yet heavy badass piece of music that makes your skin tingle.

then there's are you dead yet. im gonna be honsest with you guys. this is about the time i actually started listening to COB. the song that actually got me into COB was downfall, but they just released AYDY at the time so that shit was all over youtube. so this album kind has a soft spot in my heart. that said, IT DOESNT GIVE ME ANY FGUCKING TINGLES. I can put songs on from this album, and yes, it will make my head bang a little bit but it's still boring after a while.. i want that COB mystery tingle.

well shit happens right??? every band is allowed to have a shitty album. whatever. then follow the reaper comes out. they released not my funeral as a single and I'm gonna be hoenst. that gave my dick a chubby every time I listened to it for quite a while. same thing with shovel knockout. I thought COB was back, I thought COB was gonna tingle my fancy like it used to. but as time went on, these songs no longer affected me in the same way as they used to. i could get slight tingles but not the tyupe i was looking for. it was a good try. it was enough to keep hope alive.

With my hope being alive as I've just said, COB went on to release its next album halo of blood. same shit. at first i was infatuated by the music mr laiho had created. all twisted gave me some tingles. transference was giving me flashbacks. but same fucking shit bros. few months later the tingles were gone. the song popped up on the ipad and my first isntinct was to press NEXT. WTF??????? how can that happen with my favoriate band??? that shit aint kosher bros.. I was losing hope. but, halo of blood has been the best album the guys had released in a long time. I figure yo maybe theyre just ramping back up for their epic comeback for the next album.

and then it happened. I worship chaos. at this point I actually didn't have high hopes anymore. but the fanboy inside of me wanted it so bad. soooooooooooooooo bad. I wanted to get lost in the classic COB soundworld like I used to back in the day. I think morrigan was the first single. when I heard that song it gave me a boner. the opening riff with the prevelant keys was like fuccckkkkk. then the song lasted for like 5 minutes, and after a few listens it got BORING sadly... but I figured alright thats at least potential for the rest of the album. then I think the next two full songs I heard were I worship chaos and I hate. what the fuck man come on... these songs were made by the guys I idolized so far ago??? from majestic hair raising tinglyt metal to bull shit simple riffs without a fucking solo songs. I couldnt believe it. it felt like someone shoved a 10 inch dildo straight into my ass without any lube. I got the album delivered to my house from amazon and I listened to it nonstop. nothing caught my attention. nothing stuck in my mind. suicide bomber gave me a temporary boner it wasnt the massive hardon i used to get from follow the reaper.

I think the last straw was when roope was left go. This caught my by surprise so badly. Roope is a mother fukin legend. This guy was jesus on guitar and was cool as fuck at the same time. For some reason this majestic human being is no longer in the band. the band said it was going to reinvigorate itself with youthful energy or somne shit and get someone else instead. okay, i thought to myself there's like a 5 percent chance they find someone out there tthat gives COB the youthful boost with suicidal tendencies they need to create great music once again.

and then then announced this daniel fryedburg guy and I was just like this is not happening. This guy was the exact opposite of what they said they were going for???? this dude isn't even young. he's already in his mid 30s. not even that, he's fat. I watched a few live videos and this dude has less "YOUTHFUL ENERGY" then roope. he barely has any stage presence, and he doesnt even look like he belongs. I looked up the music hhe and his bands used to make and I'm not convinced. COB music isn't gonna change because of this guy. I preferred Janne's brother to this guy cause at least he wasn't fat.

so here we are at this crossroads barrren chat in the year 2016. it's a sad thing to admit, but I have completely lost hope in children of bodom. doing the italic brackets around the competely was quite difficult by the way. I mean, the classics will forever hold dear in my heart. I will continuie to idolize mr laiho for and the band for past brilliance but its just so sad to realize that there is no more hope. I am going to their NYC shows in march. hopefully the set list is more classics than IWC.

So what, move on. Were you expecting a fairy tale happy ending? It ain't coming. There's still plenty of good metal bands emerging every couple of years.
I am thoroughly and 100 percent dissapointed. I find myself in agreement with resident forum expert Joonas. The band nowadays just aint doing it for me anymore. as i was growing and maturing as a man, I would rely on the atmospheric beauty of classic COB to soothe my soul and place me in a idfferent dimension. whatever burden life would throw on my shoulders, I could always follow the reaper into peace .. sincerity

Yeah, FTR is an ethereal experience that's like an unexpected fist up the ass of the troubles the world throws at you, but you put it more beautifully.

Not that I've ever tried, but it's felt like extasy, how you're always trying to re-experience the euphoric sensation you had the first time, but you never quite get it... I've always been disappointed with every Bodom album cos I've been expecting something as mindblowing as the blue album, just in a different sound and style. They still have a great album or two deep down there that they haven't invented yet...

Clearly Alexi still has cool ideas popping up here and there, the best ones from IWC being the pumping hellish Morrigan riff, and the melody in Prayer that sounds like watching thru a space ship glass how the world vanishes to the distance... I think it would've worked perfect if coming after a solo around 1:30 into a song, and then second time closer to the end, or something...

Alexi should write an insanely fast album with badass riffing, haunting melodies, dark atmosphere and dramatic orchestral hits. The speed has died and it's no longer melodic death metal.
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Yeah but the easiest way to turn things around now is to adopt a fast pace with a dark sound. They don't have that atmosphere in their style anymore and they need more aggression and energy, and the way to fix that is have more speed with just a darker soundworld, it'll be more impressive.
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