guys i'm sad today.


Aug 2, 2002
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first of all, i came in and nadia has moved and i'm so bored! also, my boss wants me to move my desk soon to the other side of the office. which is going to be strange.

plus like i'm all bummed and stuff. just cuz.
omg that kid is totally me. i just feel like i dont want to do *anything* at all. i couldnt even muster energy to eat breakfast.
i love the samurai cats! so cute :)
i have wicked bedhead too. i combed it right before i left. i also have already had 3 diet sodas and keep catching myself sighing and staring into space.
oh man! nadia just told me she was crying earlier because the space is so small she can't turn her chair around and the people are really loud and mean :(
me too! i put some together in their envelopes last night. i am going to send them so they'll get there before valentine's day and then people can carry them around on v-day like SEE CHECK THIS OUT.

p.s. i got heart shaped stickers too. this is gonna rule.