guys, why does coffee smell like dirty feet/doritos?

I thought dogs had paws....

this girl julia at umass had feet that smelled like cool ranch doritos. she also like, refused to ever flush the toilets in the suite bathroom it was some sort of bizarre ocd manifestation.

anyway, some animals have feet, some animals have paws, my rabbit has EVIL PAWS.
i realized that freddy's paws were EVIL this weekend when he had a carrot with him, and dave bent over to try to take it from him and move it to his food dish and freddy lunged and put both his front paws on the carrot and made a hissing noise as to say "WATCH OUT OR YOU'LL GET IT FROM MY EVIL PAWS!"
my dog was just eating something he shouldnt have and had plastic baggie in his mouth... he wouldnt let me near him to take out the plastic. i tried and he actually bit me for real for the first time ever.... just my finger tip though. bastard.
Originally posted by deadair
it's apparent SOMEONE (i'm not pointing fingers... ::looking in the direction of greg::) has warned her about us and the goings on of this board.

p.s. best first post on this board ever...

i didn't warn her about anything but i figure after a day of viewing the goings on of our board she may either be really psyched to post more often or never post here again. its really a toss up in that area.
evil paws update: last night my friend erin called my crying because like, our lives are in a shambles.. but anyway, i was lying on the couch with my head hanging over the front of it and my feet over the back. freddy came hauling rabbit ass into the living room and lept into the hair and landed in front of me with his feet on my forehead.
he was like LET THE EVIL PAWS TO HEAL YOU!!!!!!

i stayed up until 3something watching "24 hour party people" and i'm beat as fuck, so i decided to suck up the nasty bitter taste and have one. i do have a litre of spring water for afterward, though.
you use one of those? all the macrobiotic people swear by them. but my tongue never gets scuzzy. maybe it's because i am actually disembodied and a ghost?