H1N1......A global LIE (as usual)

Here's a more balanced view from somebody a bit more rational:


In other words, all we can really do is speculate. Meanwhile both this current H1N1 flu "pandemic" and its vaccine are entirely unremarkable. Real, but not that interesting or special. The difference is in how people are reacting to it - most people are flipping out one way or another - either it's the next black plague and we need to line up to get vaccinated or die, or it's a conspiracy to "thin the herd" as it were - in both cases people are bat shit insane and need to relax.

The problem with most conspiracy theories is that they assume that people in high positions of power are much smarter than the rest of us, get along with one another perfectly, and make magical plans together that work with a 100% guarantee of success. In reality, powerful people are selfish and don't tend to get along well with anyone, least of all other powerful people. What's amazing is that we never hear about a conspiracy theory that involves a margin of error, past blunders leading up to a new revised plan, or an actionable way to fight the conspiracy. Instead we get "spread the word" which really means "buy the book, suckers!"
:lol: @ David Icke & all the things about lizard people, the NWO and other bullshit.

I'd really like to see a doctor clear up the misinformation in this thread. All the arguements here seem to be based on intuition or "common sense" or whatever. I'm not saying I know what is true, I'm just not buying any of that "getting vaccinated destroys our immune system" until I see some proof. If you seriously believe that though, then good luck with your/your kids poliomyelitis or tetanus etc. ;) Again, I don't know the truth, but what I'd imagine is that if something's destroying our immune system, it's the super sterile environment we live in and the food we eat.

My mom's a doctor BTW and she said that now that they're doing the vaccinations for high risk groups, some of the elderly people have refused to take them because they think it's a conspiracy to kill them. I mean, what the fuck? That's retarded. I guess that when they die because of that, the conspiracy guys'll go "The real conspiracy here was the false information about the vaccines that the NWO leaked!!1".

If the vaccinations would be lethal, my mom would already be dead, since she had to take it a while back because of her job.
H1N1 was infinitely worse than any flu I've ever had. Completely knocked me out for 2 1/2 weeks. Never, ever in my life have I ever been a puker when I've been sick. With H1N1 there was impressive amounts of vomiting, fevers that wouldn't break, chest pains, the worst headaches of my life, throwing up out of the back end, dizziness, and my throat felt like it was the size of a watermelon. I had to take double doses of tylenol every four hours just to be able to stand up without my head feeling like it was going to explode.

Sounds like you where in the risk group?

I have a few friends who had H1N1, and while they where REALLY sick when they had it, it was like the seasonal flu: 2-3 days of "Kill me now!", and another few days with a bit of coughing etc.

The seasonal flu is supposed to be allot worse then H1N1 for the average Joe.
BUT if you dont treat it right, or are in the risk group, it will root it self much deeper then the seasonal flu, causing pneumonia etc.

To some of you other guys in this thread:

H1N1 is real, if you really don't believe that the actual decease exists, you are a fucktard.

The vaccine might not be good for you, but in 1,5 million vaccinations 5 people have died in relation to it here in Sweden(No evidence that it was the actual vaccine.).

80,000 people got the H1N1 in Sweden, of which 3 people have died(So far H1N1 has a higher mortality rate then the vaccine.)

The seasonal flu kills 400% more people every year then what the H1N1 virus will do, but the nature of the H1N1 virus is that it kills young healthy people(~20-35 year-olds.).

The vaccine contains Thiomersal(49% mercury), which is used so that the vaccine wont carry a staph infection.
Thiomersal basically reprograms human nerve cells to shut down, but there are no studies supporting the "Thiomersal causes autism" claim.
The studies that are out there have been dismissed due to that they have manipulated data to get the results that they wanted.
As for "why the hype?", keep in mind that the CDC, etc's primary concern isn't people dying from H1N1/Swine Flu in its current state. Their main worry is that each time someone catches the flu -- ANY flu -- that's one more opportunity for the virus' DNA to mutate into a far more virulent strain. So now that there are two noteworthy strains affecting the human population globally instead of the usual seasonal one, yeah, their panties are somewhat understandably in a bunch.

Pandemics in the past have had two-year cycles, with peaks and valleys as the northern and southern hemispheres trade off their summer and winter seasons. (The flu virus spreads more easily during cold months because people are indoors together more often, plus less sunshine means less immune system-boosting vitamin D.) A pandemic of the "OMG WtF plague!" variety (there are 5 levels of severity) often begins with a mild outbreak of a new strain in the spring with relatively low fatality rates, then a dip in the summer, then a huge and deadly resurgence in the fall, where people who were exposed to it the first time 'round and survived are now immune. (Funny, that's how a vaccine works. Huh.) Lucky for us, the science folks haven't detected any significant mutations in the strains [plural] that hit the southern hemisphere over the summer, so we in the north should be okay going into the winter months. Now we just need to limit the viruses' [plural] chances for using our population as a petri dish and ruining the rest of the world's 2010. :)
I'd really like to see a doctor clear up the misinformation in this thread..
I'm really pretty appalled at the ridiculous misinformation in this thread. Speculation is one thing but the confusion over what a vaccine is and how it works is pretty retarded as is the fact that some posters don't even seem to have an elementary school level understanding of what a virus is and how it operates.
Here. There is a picture of a hot chick at the top so there is some chance you guys might read it.
swine flu is fuckin pissin me off.
i am not gettin a shot. watch... the one time i get a flu shot ill get swine flu
Funny thing is, ALL doctors i've been talking to say that the vaccination is bullshit.
I work in the rescue service, and no one of the 100 (!) employees here has had the vaccination. Not a single one (and paramedics, fire- and policemen and politicians are the first that could get the vaccine).

What i know is, that several people in the hospital got ill after they were vaccinated. And until now, (with one exception) all the patients that died having the H1N1 virus were ill with multiple other diseases.
I do hope i don't get the virus, though :D Last night, we had like 6 patients with symptoms of (swine?)flu (and normally we don't pick up those patients..), i don't know about their test results yet, perhaps i'll hear today.

(Both my parents are doctors. And they work in a BIG hospital with 1600 beds - they're not vaccinated, just like most employees)
What i know is, that several people in the hospital got ill after they were vaccinated. And until now, (with one exception) all the patients that died having the H1N1 virus were ill with multiple other diseases.
I do hope i don't get the virus, though :D Last night, we had like 6 patients with symptoms of (swine?)flu (and normally we don't pick up those patients..), i don't know about their test results yet, perhaps i'll hear today.

Yeah, i have a few friends who took the vaccine, they all got a REALLY bad flu and could hardly move for several days because they where so sick.

Out of the 3 people that have died from H1N1 here in Sweden, only 1 was healthy, and that was a 3 year old.. and he died because the doctors fucked up and sent him home, even though he had all the symptoms of H1N1.
You guys did´t saw the hype here around those months, it was ridicuolus, it was laughable, it makes your common sense wake up and start to see that nothing is happening as the news said, i don´t know if conspiracy, lizards, or whatever had anything to do but, something smells really bad, im not a doctor and i don´t know about vaccines, but im not taking one, and this is not a thing of being smart ass, just use your fucking eyes, go to a doctor if you want to know about it, all doctors i went to ask, all think is bullshit, what is real about this is Overreaction, and at ridiculous levels.
wake up and start to see that nothing is happening

Good. That's the idea.

Main Entry: prevention
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: stop
avoidance, blockage, deterence, determent, forestalling, halt, hindrance, impediment, inhibitor, interception, interruption, obstacle, obstruction, prohibition, stoppage, thwarting
I had it a month ago, or if it wasn't it was something close because it was not supposed to be the flu time until months so technically I had the H1N1. Anyway, it was a flu like another, the doctor laughed at the term "H1N1". He also thinks it's a lot of bullshit, and said there is no need for doing the H1N1 test (which is not paid back and works only 40% of time) because anyway you have to cure it the same way as a normal flu because it is. It's the end of the world when there is 1 youngster dying of it, whereas each year normal flu kills 3000 people here, mostly elders or babies but in those 3000 there is statistically several yound men too... It's really nothing more or less than a flu that may technically be more transmissive. I hope I'm right
The vaccine contains Thiomersal(49% mercury), which is used so that the vaccine wont carry a staph infection.
Thiomersal basically reprograms human nerve cells to shut down, but there are no studies supporting the "Thiomersal causes autism" claim.
The studies that are out there have been dismissed due to that they have manipulated data to get the results that they wanted.

"Vaccine companies are making preservative-free seasonal flu vaccine and 2009 H1N1 flu vaccine in single dose syringes for pregnant women and small children. CDC advises pregnant women to get flu shots either with or without thimerosal. There is no evidence that thimerosal (a mercury preservative in vaccine that comes in multi-dose vials) is harmful to a pregnant woman or a fetus."

The vaccines with no mercury include:

* Sanofi Pasteur 0.25 mL prefilled syringe
* Sanofi Pasteur 0.5 mL prefilled syringe
* CSL Limited 0.5 mL prefilled syringe
* MedImmune LLC 0.2--mL sprayer

In the U.S. That's if you're worried about it messing with you/children I guess.
"Vaccine companies are making preservative-free seasonal flu vaccine and 2009 H1N1 flu vaccine in single dose syringes for pregnant women and small children. CDC advises pregnant women to get flu shots either with or without thimerosal. There is no evidence that thimerosal (a mercury preservative in vaccine that comes in multi-dose vials) is harmful to a pregnant woman or a fetus."

The vaccines with no mercury include:

* Sanofi Pasteur 0.25 mL prefilled syringe
* Sanofi Pasteur 0.5 mL prefilled syringe
* CSL Limited 0.5 mL prefilled syringe
* MedImmune LLC 0.2--mL sprayer

In the U.S. That's if you're worried about it messing with you/children I guess.

But there you will have the next problem, the reason the vaccines contain Thiomersal is that it prevents you from getting staphylococcus shot in to your bloodstream.
And Thiomersal causes nerve cells to basically shut down, and the amount of Thiomersal that will reach the fetus is enough to do cause severe damages to the nerve tissue.
What the studies have said is that they cant find a correlation between Thiomersal and Autism.

On a "sidenote":
In Sweden we have predicted that if no one takes the vaccine, 38 people will die.. out of 9316256, thats a mortality rate of 0.0004%.
3 people die a day from falling here in Sweden, so im not taking any chances, tomorrow im going to buy protective gear and padding for our staircase!
Guys check this out and the link at the bottom.


(Copy of Email sent to all Arizona State Senate and House members)
From Dick Fojut in Tucson, AZ
In a one-sided "frenzy," our Major Corporate "news" Media are trying to convince us we MUST all get the SWINE FLU VACCINE, declaring the vaccine totally safe!

But NOT ONE medical expert who disagrees (Blaylock, Mercola, Horowitz, Moulden, etc.), has been reported! We should all be suspicious...


Avoid ALL VACCINATIONS warns Dr. Andrew Moulden
The public - and most medical doctors - do not understand HOW (all) vaccinations damage our bodies.

Dr. Andew Moulden explains that repeated VACCINATIONS (even aside from whatever ingredients the vaccines contain) produce additive ISCHEMIC "STROKES" in the 60,000 miles of microscopic blood vessels.

When the Immune System is OVER-stimulated responding to fight any foreign substance vaccine poison injected, the blood vessels (especially the tiniest ones) become CLOGGED with "armies" of white blood cells - the "soldiers" sent to combat the vaccine poison.

Result: Ischemic "strokes" from clogged blood vessels. Blood flow is impaired, preventing sufficient oxygen from reaching the brain, heart and other tissues. Removal of waste products and toxins is also impaired.

All vaccines have been causing "burns" to body and brain. The damage is additive.

One medical expert the major media are NOT interviewing is Dr. Andrew Moulden who WARNS we should AVOID ALL VACCINATIONS - and explains WHY in the following article...
Excerpts only from following VACTRUTH article...

ALL vaccines are causing immediate and delayed, acute and chronic, waxing and waning, impairments to blood flow, throughout the brain and body. This IS causing us all to become chronically ill, sick, and causing brain damages along a continuum of clinically silent to death. This is causing ischemic "strokes". In some respects, this is also "aging." Since the damages are microscopic, we cannot see them as they occur. However, we can now see the neurological aftermath of these damages - within hours and days of vaccination - all vaccinations.

M.A.S.S. is an acronym for many chronic illnesses and diseases that impair blood flow - "Moulden Anoxia Spectrum

In essence, we are creating disease and chronic illness by an over-zealous activation of a natural set of healing mechanisms in human physiology - a component phase of the MASS physiological response.

Remarkably, it is not so much the specific "germs and toxins" that are causing death and disease. It is the response of the body and blood to foreign substances entering the blood and tissues that causes pathology.

The cellular and tissue damages are additive with each exposure.

All vaccines have been causing "burns" to body and brain.

Once the blood vessels are damaged, to a critical point, the pathological process can take on a self-perpetuating life of its own - from infants to teenagers to adults, to companion pets alike.

When microscopic end blood vessels are destroyed (closed off), as blood flow diminishes and starts to "sludge", this impairs healing, cellular functioning, and promotes build-up of toxins, heavy metals, and pathogens in circumscribed tissue areas.

Full text follows...


Dr. Andrew Moulden is just trying to get people to buy his books.. nothing but a con-artist.

Just google and you will find all kinds of shit about this guy, like saying that he was going to attend the world vaccine congress 08, but when it started his name was nowhere to be found on their website.. then he started asking the public for funds to attend it.
He is also basically claiming that the most basic illnesses are caused by an electrostatic imbalance within your body, but he has the solution! MASS FLO2!
Just take some distilled water, add MASS FLO2 and you will get rid of all that icky-sticky in your blood! :lol:
Maybe he is a con artist or maybe not but when ever anybody criticizing something as massive as the vaccine industry they are immediatly discredited and ridiculed on the internet. Same as the cancer industry. There IS a cure for cancer but they dont want you to know because they make massive profits, second only to the oil industry if I remember rightly.
Dr. Andrew Moulden aside, I definately will never have a vaccination because of the shit like Mercury and squalene that they contain.