
Teh Forum Fuhrer
Sep 16, 2002
dimebag420 said:
ha im gay ya thats right .... thats why my girfriend makes ur girlfriend look like an ugly demented diseased rotting dog , i eat more pussy than u eat food u fucking poser ...by the amount of times u have posted on here i wouldnt be surprised if that pic is fake and ur just some little kid that sits on the computer all day jerking off u fucking nerd .. i hate trendy ass fags like u that think they are cool ha ha get a fucking life u waste of skin.

What a dunbass restard.
Is that the guy who used to go under Steve420 like a year ago or two? Anyway, way to make yourself more popular :)
i told you guys, as soon as AYDY came out, this forum was fucking swarmed with all these new 14 year old fan boys, bashing on all the older, and obviously much much more wiser, fans of CoB. FUCK! i fucking hate stupid kids! i swear, if their mommys and daddys knew the language and such they used on their computers, their internet privilages would be taken away....probably get a little time out and an ass whipping too :lol:
i just have to post again. but seriously, is this what CoB has come to? being loved and obsessed by all of these hardcore emo faggot children that love the band because they're "heavy" or some shit? i mean.....alexi is good, but he isnt INCREDIBLE. these douchebag kids are so used to all this nu-metal bullshit that the smallest little guitar solo blows their mind. whenever anyone goes to about the 12-24th fret on a high e string, these boys and girls fucking shit themselves. then they try to bash on the people on this forum, when they havent even been here for barely a month. thats a GREAT way to make friends...do they not realize that everyone is laughing at them? i mean thats the problem....you get these little kids that love to argue and try to start shit with people just to get a rise out of them, and think they are so bad ass for swearing, its ridiculous. i check this forum daily just to see whats going on, and i may even post a thread sometimes, and there are a lot of cool people on here, bobvex and gavin being 2 of them, and my point being proven that this is the same douchebag giving gavin shit about not liking trivium. i mean...WHO GIVES A FUCK? but i still think this forum has gone to shit. stupid ass kids get on here and start shit, its just uncalled for. and all of them dont know shit about what they are talking about. its like they post shit on here that everyone has known about for months, maybe even fucking years.