yeah fuck young gay funboys who think their way cooler than my frozen fridge... and give them some support, they know their cool, arent they??

this is crazy... when I started listening to cob... oh.. when I still listened to cob back some time this was a cool band, it had many cooool fans here and on the other, earlier official board and it was somethnig to interest. Now a simple 13 yr old funboi can see them live and tell me im retarded cuz i live in poland and Ill probably never see them live :) Its sad but fanny in its own ironic way :p
BodomiC said:
yeah fuck young gay funboys who think their way cooler than my frozen fridge... and give them some support, they know their cool, arent they??

this is crazy... when I started listening to cob... oh.. when I still listened to cob back some time this was a cool band, it had many cooool fans here and on the other, earlier official board and it was somethnig to interest. Now a simple 13 yr old funboi can see them live and tell me im retarded cuz i live in poland and Ill probably never see them live :) Its sad but fanny in its own ironic way :p

fan - a person who admires someone else
fun - enjoying something, having good time
fanny - vagina

or maybe you did that on purpose... :loco:
I think it's funny when people try and prove that they're fans....like "oh, I've been listening to them since ____! Alexi is my favorite guitarist" Who gives a shit? If you're a fan of the band, why would you even try and prove yourself to others? I don't get it...
Noble Viking said:
I think it's funny when people try and prove that they're fans....like "oh, I've been listening to them since ____! Alexi is my favorite guitarist" Who gives a shit? If you're a fan of the band, why would you even try and prove yourself to others? I don't get it...
i actually didn't see anyone trying to prove anything around here, besides dimebag-what'shisnumber trying to prove he's a dimwit :p
yeah my english grammar suck major :lol: Rafal, it should be fanboys and funny, indeed, my mistake :)

anyway its kinda tragic :heh:

@COBSteele02 : yeah man!!! Im so fat Im typing with a special needle, my fingers are so sausage I can play baseball with'em :)