haha i found the thread pilgrim started to be an asshole on

man, is that the truth! all across the midwest, is one dull road. we'd pull into some little town in Iowa to get lunch at a little diner, all three of us with long hair, lookin' like hippies, walk in, and all these old farmers wearing fertilizer hats would look at us like we were space aliens. good thing we were so stoned during most of the trip, if we had known what they were probably saying about us, it would have been a ledmag style fight fa sure. and of course we would have been the ones to go to jail.
Man when my friend and I drove from LA to Milwaukee in summer 2000, the midwesterners acted like we were gonna rape their daughters and sacrifice virgins...it was funny as hell....

best moment:

my friend and I trying to get a hotel room for the night in bumfuck nowhere...he's 6 foot 11 with hair to his ass, and I'm like 6 foot one with hair to my chest.We're both wearing black metal shirts with upside down crosses all over them and the like:

Woman: How can I help you?
My friend Alex: We need a room for the night.
woman looks closely at both of us....
Woman: You guys brothers?
Alex: We're friends.
Woman: <<<pause>>> so........that'll be.......<<<looks at us closely again>>>....one bed....right?
Us: OH! SHIT! No! no! Thats not what we want!
Alex: We're friends.....not FRIENDS.

lol that was hilarious....
hahah good job neal./.....it looks like i flamed him first hahahahhaha......or made teh first comeback hahahha.
his avatar looks like a fagget who needs a cock in there mouth.
Originally posted by ledmag
hahah good job neal./.....it looks like i flamed him first hahahahhaha......or made teh first comeback hahahha.
his avatar looks like a fagget who needs a cock in there mouth.

I think little kids like you must have a dick fetish. Only a fucking homo talks about that type of shit.

Try going back to school you fucking dumb pile of trash, you write like a 5 year old.

So you flamed me 1st???? That figures coming from someone who likes talking about cock soo much.

You figure out who the dicksucker is............
Nice story, Sadistik...the Midwest blows. To quote two experts, i.e. random teenagers:

"I'm in Chicago, and everyone is fat and boring. You gotta help me, man!" -my former band's rhythm guitarist

"Well, there's trees...and houses...and a couple Rite-Aids. And then that's about it." -girl in my writing class, on Ohio.

Out of curiosity, Pilgrim, if none of us "effect" you in any way, why the sudden string of angry spamming?
Neal, ahahahahaha

you struck a nerve on a limp dick!
hahahha....this guy thinks he is clever............

Hey neal...Il be you just hit a new age....Im hittin 30 next month..the sixth

Pilgy>>Listen shit face..im the only fucker here who is lobbying for you to NOT get banned. Take a hint here cock boy.....
Originally posted by lizard
that's funny.....! yeah, they're not used to free spirits.

funny movie line that reminds me of:

"...those aren't pillows!!!!!!!"
planes, trains, and automobiles. classic fuckin movie.