Hahaha another shopping spree

YEP THATS NITRO! HAHAHA!!!! Michael Angelo was the guitarist... invented the 4 neck guitar and was the fastest guitarist in the world for a while (if you think Malmsteen or Vinnie Vincent are excessive when they solo.. listen to Angelo!!! HAHA!)

The vocalist has a 6 octave range and is meant to be the only metal singer who can hit the "high D" or something lol... his voice is WAY to high... they just went to the extreme really.... most outrageous glam look, stage shows, highest vocals, fastest solos, they played louder than Manowar on occasion and actually caused damage to the roofs of venues, and their album was called O.F.R. which stands for Out-Fucking-Rageous... which is what they are really lol! Oh and check out their names: Jim Gillete, Michael Angelo, Bobby Rock, TJ Racer LOL!

Wrathy: What's the Euphoria EP sound like style wise???

I actually think Lick It Up would have been twice as good if Vinnie was given more free run in the guitar work and songwriting from Paul and Gene because that album is in no-man's land if you ask me, stuck between Kiss' straight to the point style and Vinnie's flamboyant style. But yeah his solos are terrible :)

The production on VVI is great though I think.... except the drums. The guitar sound is awesome.
The Euphoria EP sounds very much like Invasion, just ten years later. It has four tracks (Euphoria, Get The Led Out, Wild Child and Full Shredd), which were supposed to be a preview for the album "Guitarmageddon" that never came out. It's very hard to find, so I ended up getting the whole thing from Napster.

Once again, check out www.kissfaq.com for all your trivia needs :).