hahaha bin laden said he was "in partnership with iraq"


Nov 8, 2001
New York City
for saddam, this must be like when you stand up in class and make this really complex point and hope everyone gets it, and then the first (and only) person to chime in with support is the class moron. D'OH!
if osama bin laden had to dress up like a girl and dance a jig to get us to start a war, he'd do it. he wants us to make asses of ourselves.
also, bin laden has said over and over again that he is just as against the leaders of iraq as he is the US, powell sucks for lying out of his ass about this!
hmmm...I think that the whole Sunni/Shiite and religious Arab/secular Arab divide has been really exaggerated in the Western media as an easy way to explain the mindset of the poorly-understood Other (the Arab world). it's not impossible that the bin Ladens and Saddams of the word would collude, to a degree, against a mutual enemy. I ain't saying Osama and Saddam are colluding, but the reasons against it aren't because they wouldn't, I don't think.
well, bin laden is for one thing: his religious beliefs. as much as everyone tries to make it that he's against the culture of the west, he's more FOR HIS own religion, ya know? and saddam, in bin laden's eyes, is an outright murdered and butcher of that religion. he was always ranting about it in all his recordings and what not, even before 9/11. i mean, *maybe* they'd work together? but he literally like, hates the guy as much as he hates christians.
Well...I don't want to write off Osama as "just a savage Muslim, fanatic, everything is based on religion!". I think there's a lot of factors at work in what made him, and a lot of factors at work in who supports him, and he knows that one of those major factors is pan-Arab nationalism. Even secular Arabs have expressed "the US deserved it" sympathy to al-Qaeda, and other super-fanatical Muslim groups (Hamas, for example) have outright made statements supporting Saddam.
the only reason i say bin laden is basing his decisions on religion is because in all his speeches essentially discussing it, he has said that. i also think the US was hoping to get support in this crappy war situation by making it out to be a cultural anti-democracy thing when bin laden has always say he is not political, but religious.