Hails to Ultimate Metal Friends!

Glad to be here. Just a lil intro....I am myself. I live for music and concerts, promote bands, musicians and music companies from all over the world via the internet, street networking and travelling. I run Rock Wausau (A Promotional site for all), The Bands & Musicians Group (global) and The Wisconsin Music Community Group on Myspace.com. I also network through other numerous websites/forums. I am doing interviews, reviews, etc. for a magazine column in the Adrenalin Metal Zine Website for Wisconsin Metal Bands that will be along side Heather Smith of Century Media Records. I am also helping out Mix Minus Media a Record & Promotional Company out of Milwaukee Wisconsin. Everything I currently am doing to help the music scene is free. Someday hoping someone will come along to offer me a job in the real music industry since at the moment I am not yet a rockstar. I'm always interested in meeting new people, bands, labels and zines. Keep it real. \m/
Hey, welcome to UM. That's cool how are you involved in all of that. Sounds like something I'd like to do as well.