Halford troubles?


Apr 14, 2001
Last Updated: 7/4/2002 4:32:00 PM

HALFORD Subject Of Internet Speculation Over "Horrible" BANG YOUR HEAD Performance -
July 4, 2002

HALFORD are the subject of much Internet speculation over the band's reportedly
"lackluster" appearance at last Saturday's (June 29th) Bang Your Head festival in
Balingen, Germany, where the group apparently played a 50-minute co-headlining set
that included a "truly horrible" vocal performance from Rob Halford and virtually no
interaction between the band and the audience, according to various postings on
HALFORD's official message board.

Although unconfirmed reports point to internal trouble within the band and their
management organization, no official word has yet come down on the matter.
However, Halford's personal manager John Baxter has promised that he and Rob
will address this issue in an official statement shortly.


I hope thats not true, Halford (the band) rocks, I dont want them to break up!