Halford's Gay rant


New Metal Member
Hey I'd just like to say my 2p on Rob Halford's letter in this months Metal Hammer mag, for those who didn't get it here it is

"I understand what you're going through. He's not alone. I've become somthing of a figurehead in metal... for all gay metalheads. It's something I take very seriously. Go onto the internet and get involved with some networking things to find a friend or friends. You need to talk to people. It's the 21st century and you're a young metalhead guy going through exactly what I went through when I was a teenager and coming to terms with myself. It is a difficult, painful and lonely experience and you feel like a freak and you ain't! You're perfectly normal, perfectly OK! But I know that you feel isolated and in some instances it can be very dangerous. It's important for you to understand that you're not alone and the people that pick on you are twats. They're stupid and fucking ignorant. So basically, Sleepwalker, or anyone else struggling with their sexuality, who is reading this, should do whatever they need to do to look after themselves and be proud of who they are."

Well I think this is a great responce but I guess for Halford it is easy to come up with that stuff cause he has the respect behind him already. There are still alot of ignorant people out there when it comes to sexuality and I'm always shocked when I get attitude about it on the rock scene, considering much of what rock tries to do is transgress the turgid crap of post-Christian brainwashed society. I hear kids today talking openly about the rainbow of sexuality these days which has no doubt been ushered in by the ever so expressive internet and just generally being open minded to it all, well I'd love to hear other people's thoughts on Halfords letter, thanks
I know I wouldn't.

Also, that movie has some pretty funny videos on youtube. I need to find the whole thing for the lulz.
It's only 16 minutes tbh. I bet someone's uploaded the whole thing on youtube.

"Where can we park?"
"Anywhere you want, man."